What do the check marks mean?

I’ve noticed there are check marks next to some people’s names in Zwift. What are they for?

Verified athletes - celebrities, notable people, and now elite e sport racers

Hi @d_sc, welcome to the Forums! My name’s Oscar, working with the Zwift Support team.

I know that knowing this information can be useful if you are wondering, and I’ll be sharing info about it.

Shoutout to @Oliver_ZRace_Central for sharing info, thank you!

Doug, as previously mentioned, the check marks next to their names mean they are verified athletes, pro athletes, etc.

I hope you find this information useful but if you have any other questions or concerns, you can let us know here or contact us directly. We are always around and happy to help!


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Is there a process to get a check mark? Ie if an esport or irl athlete were to start using zwift, can they request they check mark somehow?

Hi @d_sc, I’m Fernanda from Zwift.

I’m glad to see your interest in our ‘Pro Badges’! We offer a variety of Pro Badges, and any Zwifter who wants to request them will need to contact us and provide the required information for the selection process.

Ride On.