Do you have any test data that backs up this claim? The model used by Zwift is a black box to users, therefore the only way to verify any hypothesis is to test it.
We ride differently as well.
Being taller I have always learned to tuck in and use my drops.
Both of my friends ride in standard position.
I don’t get any benefit from technique with zwift.
On climbs I tend to hold the flat bar and focus power through my core to my legs.
With a virtual bike you don’t need need to hold the bars you can sit up right and almost drive the same way.
In the real world I can take a 6% gradient at 30kmphr no problem.
In Zwift at 6% I am dropping down to 25kmphr and struggling.
So while I am sure that scientifically Zwift reckon they have it right I still feel like it doesn’t take into consideration that us taller riders tend to maximise our cycling environment to eek out every 1% performance.
Science is quite different from the real world!!
6% at 30 kmp it’s around 650W with your 90kg, you still have to push hard and can’t hold this long time
On zwift i think it’s same, maybe you can’t develop your power like IRL on HT
He may also have another problem, material or other.
Personnaly zwift match with IRL performance, i’m 82kg
Just checked Strava sorry its 5.3% estimated watts 483. ( no power meter on my bike )
In RL for me anyway I feel like I have a good sense of where the hill starts / stops and where I need to aggressively escalate my power. It’s a bit about the timing and the approach.
For example on that climb you take advantage of the previous decent and coast up it before applying power and then increasing power for around 45 seconds.
Ill hit it low 60 rpm hardest gear escalate to 90 and then 120-130 near the top.
Zwift it feels like 0% and boom an instant 6% gtadient where did that come from! I don’t feel like I can manage hills the same way. Some of it will be me needing to learn where they are on the courses. So I need to get used to the difference in power management.
Perhaps the other issue is that both of my friends have bikes with less aggressive frames - more long distance touring vs mine which is an aggressive frame.
Anyway I guess it was just weird to going from real world having fun with friends to us all getting zwift and it not being very fun in a group ride.
Guess ill just have to tweak my weight down until I get to a point where it feels realistic or get them to put their weight up a bit.
I would strongly advise against this. At some point you will want to race or you will want to track your data and changing weight will influence all of this.
You have an advantage here you will have to work hard to keep up with them and you will get a lot stronger than them and will be riding away from them IRL. We all know that is where it count.
Good point - maybe ill see if they can up their weight a bit. Either that or ill try the group ride setting.
I am mostly using Zwift for extra KMs and to still socialize with friends at the same time.
Problem is they all get bored waiting for me and think im pulling the piss
I agree with you Gary. I’m on the heavier side and climbing is a strength for me IRL, but in Zwift it’s quite the opposite. It would be crucial that they look into that.
I am 59 and 108kg.I just got a Stages SB20 and now my w/kg has gone down.I don’t know if it is the bike but i am now at the level i started out(18 months ago).I am not a great cyclist and don’t ride outdoors.
I have mates who are far better cyclists,weigh less and have done meet ups with them.That is soul destroying because you get dropped and then suddenly surge forward at +10kph to catch up.I don’t do the meet ups anymore because they are no fun.
It would be better if you stayed with them on screen and just did less distance after the hour.I do think i am penalised for being a heavier rider way too much.My PB’s are way better a year ago than now.Going up hill is very hard and let’s face it no one suffers coming downhill.
I would assume your SB20 is now more accurate than the old trainer, what trainer did you use.
You can setup a meetup with the option to keep everyone together.
I used an Elite Direto XR and an Elite Muin Fluid Smart B before that.It could be the power meters being in the pedals is the difference.
I have done keep together meet ups but it still drops you back if slower than the others and then propels you forward.
Zwift dynamics are a complete joke, I did read that it was intentional otherwise +size riders would gain an advantage, so instead we are penalised. I just had my avatar slow down from 20 kph on a 5% downhill
That happens to all riders. Stop pedaling from 40km/h on flat or slight downhills and you’ll notice that you slow down suddenly.
I am 99kg and I want to keep my weight as accurate as possible to simulate real world condition as much as possible. Riding in a group ride or race I know I’m going to get dropped on any hill unless I really up the power, so that’s what I do!