I have a problem when I consult the events in ZwiftPower, despite indicating my Europe-Madrid time zone, the events appear one hour behind, which leads me to error and when I go to exercise it there is still an hour left. Could you guys fix it? Thanks a lot.
Hello @Perico_Candal_ZESP welcome to Zwift forums
ZwiftPower runs on a forum software called phpBB.
Your displayed time zone is something you adjust in the phpBB User Control Panel > Board Preferences, here:
Hello Shuji, I am not sure that you understand my problem. I don’t talk about the forum. My problem is the event time in Zwift Power events. I upload image of mistake.
The 10:30 event is really in the 11:30 because in Europe is summer time (+1 hour).
You don’t have a problem.
The event you highlighted (PACK 1.5) started at 10:30 CEST; event page shows events that started earlier than the current time. You can see some have results listed.