The Power Push - Group Ride at 6PM AEST


Join the ZTO ARVO Team!

This is a weekly GRUDGE MATCH between the ZTO Morning Crew and the ZTO Evening Crew… The team with the fastest Fuego Flats Reverse sector time gets the TROPHY!

Don’t get caught out by the extremely easy start pace, this is not time to waste your watts. The ride is set over 2 laps of Watopia’s Fuego Flats (Desert loop) and the Yellow Beacon rolls along at 2w/kg for a lap. The pace slowly increases over the second lap and at the turnaround point during the second lap the action really starts.

The Yellow Beacon group then switches on their “Team Time Trial” mode and watt-bombs their way across the Fuego Flats Reverse sector to register their best sector time. Once across the line the confetti will fly and most riders will be welcomed by a new Personal Record even the stronger riders amongst us. If you don’t beat your PR we will personally come back the next Tuesday and try again until you do. That’s our ZTO Guarantee!!

The hard effort usually lasts less than 10min. There is also a Red Beacon to sit with once you’ve taken a turn on the front and feel like a rest.

Bring a friend or three and don’t forget to chat using the companion app

Here’s the link:

24 May 2022

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Can we not turn this into an advertising board for upcoming races?

Its bad enough that zwift riders/racers on facebook is basically a long stream of adverts for rides and races lets not let this become the same.

@Gerrie_Delport_ODZ could you delete/lock etc… or set up a race adverts sub catergory?

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There really is NO place to post about upcoming rides. I’m keen to plan ahead for events and yes there really is ONLY Facebook. The Events section of Zwift and other sites are great but it is all scripted text and sometimes bears no relevance to the actual event.

As always this GAME is a “work in progress” and with the creation of “CLUBS” within Zwift it has the ability to dive even further behind a cloak of darkness for those looking to be a part of other community rides and events.

The best and some would say ONLY events promoted within the game are the ZWIFT owned events.

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I have no issue with upcoming events being announced here.