Some questions

Is there a beginners guide showing what everything on the screen means?

How long are each of the routes?

I see descriptions of routes - pretzel, hilly, mountain, etc - but I dont see “Richmond or Watopia” - where do I find this?

Does it always start you at the same place on the route?

Seems like the workouts are mostly geared towards training for an event (or doing 1+ hour rides)… how would you recommend using if you’re just looking for 30-45 minute workouts? Just ride and set goals? Create shorter interval workouts?



And here:

And here:

And many more  if needed.

More less the same starting spot each time.

You can create your own workouts, or just ride and do intervals when you like.

Cool, thanks! I really like the map for Watopia. Are there similar maps for the other courses? How do I just pick the course I want to ride?

Here is the map search: 

Here is the course schedule for January:

Here is a link to change the “World Tag”: 

Hopefully soon there will be no need to edit the world tage.