Slow Speed

Hi folks,

Ive just starting using Zwift and am using it on a new Wahoo Kickr that I have just set up.

Im finding that when I pedal at an intensity/exertion that would sustain say 15mph out on my actual bike that in Zwift im just crawling along at 2mph.

Can anyone advise what Ive set up wrong?

Ive got an accurate weight registered in Zwift.



Hi @DasLoon, welcome to the forums. How many watts are you producing and what route are you on in Zwift?

Double check your height is correct too.

See this post for additional information.

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Hi Mike,

Ive got my height in accurate too.

I’ll need to check/look again but it was saying about 50W.

I found that looking directly through Wahoo fitness app that the speed feels low comparing it to exertion in real life.
I feel like I’m pushing hard enough to to do around 25 mph but only registering about 12/13 mph.(in the wahoo app)

Will have a look through the link you included.



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That is really low power and would explain the slow speeds.

Have you updated the firmware on the kickr and done a spindown calibration?

Hi Mike,

I think Ive got to the bottom of it.

When I first set up the Kickr one of the first things I tried to do was a Spindown/Calibration.

However when I tried to do it through the Wahoo app it gave me some info saying that calibration was automatic in the V5(I think thats my version, bought Oct 2020) and therefor a spindown was not needed as its constantly monitored. So I dont know if this means that eventually the Kickr would self correct/calibrate after some time of pedalling. (It didnt provide the option to calibrate)

Reading through the Wahoo troubleshooting I discovered theres a way to force it to do a factory spindown by clicking on its icon in the app 10 times.

Did the spindown and its much more realistic.

Thanks for getting back to me.


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I’ve done all that and STILL feel like I’m riding all out, but only hitting 50-80 watts and max speed at around 15… what gives?

Please post more info so we can better assist you, the more info the better.

Hi Katie, are you using the Kickr for cadence measuring?

After I resolved the power output issue I still found the cadence reading from the Kickr wasnt very accurate and I had problems with the bottom bracket clicking/knocking whilst I pedalled.

I found using a standalone pedal/crank mounted cadence sensor (wahoo cadence, which I had for outdoor rides anyway) rather than the Kickrs in built sensor helped to smooth things out too.

Might be worth trying if you havent to see if it helps with your power readings.



Having similar issues:
Kickr Snap / PC:
Wahoo (In Wahoo App) Spindown - before every ride - shows accurate speed BTW
In Zwift no matter what I do it is not consistent nor some rides I don’t get above 3mph (very defeating).
Fireware updates CHECK
Uninstall / Reinstall CHECK
Oddly enough - from my iOs it is more accurate (but still not ACCURATE)

First, read this: How Does Zwift Determine My Speed?

What are the watts that are showing?

What ride are you referring to.

Looking at your last few rides I see speeds well above 20km/h.

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I have figured out… when I use the “training mode” it does not work (I delete all the workouts that fail me miserably)

When I click “just ride” the speed is much more accurate.

In training mode I ride my heart out and my avatar won’t move OR is only going around 3mph

I’d like to be able to use “training mode” - but also find it very defeating… at “3 mph” and the screen is saying MORE POWER!!! I AM!

Any ideas?

In a workout you should move at the same speed for the same power number. Zwift use the same formulas in free rides and workouts.

Well… I wish it worked that way for me…. :frowning:

To help we would need to look at some of you workouts.

Save the next one even if you just ride at 3mph.

What power do you ride in a workout vs free ride.

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Maybe somehow you have an enormously high FTP entered on your profile?

Sounds more like a very low FTP to me.

Trying it with ERG mode on and off might also help with the diagnosis.

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I’ll give this a shot tonight. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: thank you.

Check your settings to make sure your wt has not changed.

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Having the same issue on my new Wahoo KICKR core. My uphills are on target for power and a strong cadence but I am going 3-5km/hr. My FTP is 200 set by via Wahoo. I can get speed on downhills, but my average speed over a course is very slow resulting in really low mileage for an hour ride!