Should slower riders be able to flag faster riders

Over the last 45 races I have podiums on 23 of them. I have an ZFTP of 421W and a Race Score of 834. Cat A heart rate usually 140 to 158bpm during ride.
During the ride today comments were made about flagging me because I must be cheating… really. If the race/ride is 14miles or less I treat it as a TT or sprint… sometimes I hit a PB and sometimes I dont. I averaged 29.2mph today I felt everyone of those last miles. on Tuesday I finished same rife in 2nd with av 29.5mph…
I’m reasonably good on sub 20mile routes and put a lot of Trainer Road workouts in aswell.
So should slower riders be able to flag you because they cant match your stats… i ride a smart exercise bike… there is mininimal loss between what I put out and what is recorded on Zwift or Trainer Road.
In a mixed Cat race like today were any rider from E to A can ride differences will be pronounced just dont flag me chase me down and overtake me.

If you could only flag slower people then how would anyone flag people with unrealistically high numbers? So… Yes, it makes sense that you can flag folks that are faster, particularly those who are putting out unrealistic numbers - not sure why someone would flag someone who is slower.

Out of curiosity, what is the picture of the shoe supposed to represent in terms of the discussion? Was that meant to be a picture of your smartbike setup? Which smartbike are you riding?

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Do you dual record? Those are pretty impressive numbers so you should be able to back them up with a 2nd power source and/or IRL results.


Go on entertain us, what smart excerise bike?


Also not finding you on Zwiftpower, link to your profile please?

These threads are like car crashes, everyone knows what’s coming and really should just look away… no one does though :joy:


Ever seen this thing? How accurate do you think it is :thinking:


Horizon 3.0SC
The spec sheet doesn’t make any accuracy claims and I can’t find any reviews that do.

Which smart exercise bike?

Does it show in Zwift as “Zpower”?

Do you do dual recording (ie, with a power meter) and have you tried a different smart trainer or smart bike like a Wahoo Kickr Bike?

420w FTP is pretty big numbers, especially with 150bpm heart rate. For reference In Zwift, I watched Matej Mohorič riding up the Epic KOM in Zwift doing similar power figures (345-400w) and his heart rate was fairly similar to yours. You should look up Matej:

It would be worth you doing an FTP test on a verified accurate trainer bike and then if it is also in the region of 420w FTP you might consider getting involved with some real world cycling teams. Since I took up cycling about 13 years ago I’ve been fortunate enough to train with a lot of pro-cyclists so I’ve got a good knowledge of what abilities they have.

Do you have any real world cycling data (on a real bike) to compare?


Sorry to burst your bubble, but the bike you use is likely highly inaccurate. You are producing serious power on par with many pro cyclists. This is essentially “cheating” on Zwift and you should be flagged unless you can verify your power numbers with a known accurate and calibrated power meter.


I found him on Strava and looks like he just started cycling 5 months ago, no outdoor rides, just Zwift.


Faster riders should be able to flag slower riders for not being good enough.


maybe merge this thread:

ZwiftPower - Terry Jones

Instead of lashing out at other riders for flagging you, get a power meter or a kickr core. Also if you actually were strong enough to put up 436 watts for 20 mins, your sprint wouldn’t be so measly.

I remember my early days on zpower where I was flying by everyone. Good times, but not realistic.


so that’s why I got flagged the other day.

Kickr core not on firmware v1.5.36 (or later) and without a manual spindown after updating to v1.5.36 is not accurate either!

With that OP and the sexy ankle shot this could have been a fantastic wind up thread - sadly it’s not and just highlights the work zwift have to do to educate their users and improve the platform.

I’m not sure it’s good of zwift to let riders just carry on believing they are as good as pro’s - when that rider finds out the hard truth there is a strong chance they become demotivated and pack it in.

We all knew from the ankle shot this wasn’t going to be accurate right? No, just me jumping to that conclusion… oh


The real question is why you are still on Zwift, Zwift should have notified you of your grand tour winner potential.

With a 5.9W/kg you’d be an actual grand tour contender maybe not the winner but with a good team and tactics you should be able to finish top 10…

Might be worth testing if that feature still works.

I think zwift assumes it still works because it got referenced in the factory tour challenge details this, which was released last week