I am new and have only been Zwifting for about a week. I’ve reached level 7 with about 180,000 drops. I’ve only recently discovered the Everest challenge in which I joined to be able to unlock the Tron bike eventually. I figure that this would the best reward for time invested.
My question is, when I should I start looking at upgrading my bike to be able to ride these climbs more efficiently? It frustrates me that I am always the slowest on the hills due to my crappy bike even though I’m outputting more wattage than the others. Riders are breezing by me while I’m climbing at 3km/hr.
I’ve done some research and think that the Zwift Aero is a nice choice at 319,500 drops (unlockable at Lvl 6). It’ll take me more time to get to be able to afford it but I’m willing to wait for it.
I guess my question is, should I even bother trying to do climbs with such a crappy bike when I’m going at a sloth pace or should I wait until I’m able to upgrade to the Zwift Aero before attempting these climbs so that I can get more distance from of the same output?
Any feedback would be appreciated, thanks!