Remove old jerseys

Hiya. Could you please make it possible to remove kit, or group them into “old” or something from the customize menu? I have unlocked so many jerseys that it has become a major hassle to change kit. Particularly since I’m on ATV and its a pain to slide back and forwards in the jersey-list. Great! Ride on!

Second this - or if removal means permanent deletion and we can never get them back, ie challenge awarded kits, then at least a better way we can organize/archive kit locker.


Active / In-Active Jersey locker would be great.


Agreed! It’s a bit frustrating to have to scroll through a ton of jerseys to find the one you want…

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Bumping this as it needs to happen. Ditto for bikes and wheelsets.

When I started Zwifting in 2018, using a rowing machine and the NPE-CABLE pod to bridge the gap - I had no freaking clue what I was doing. Every freebie code I found online, I’d enter. “2015 Tucson AZ Tuesday Coffee Ride Club” Kit? (not actually a thing) Woohoo! Bring it on!

If I had a do-over (without erasing my entire account), I’d have zero kits other than level and event unlocks, and zero bikes except the defaults, and the Z1 when I eventually unlocked it. (OK, rant done)

TL;DR: please let us clean up our Garages.