Railway Sprint (Neokyo) leaderboard shown for the wrong direction

The Railway Sprint seems to have a segment only in one direction, but the leaderboards are shown also when approaching the finish line from the other direction.

this happened to me too.

Same thing for the Yumezi Castle KOM leaderboard, also shown in the downhill direction.

…and the same goes for Rooftop KOM as well.

I hadn’t seen this before… now the timer starts when you go through the banner and just stays on until you get to the big intersection a mile after the banner.

Also, can we get the rooftop KQOM converted to minutes… who tells time in 100’s of seconds??

I’ve had this a few times recently too

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Experienced same issue today

@James_Zwift same today. Grows in time. Looking to see if this is known bug. Had it happen with Maria in pacer.
@shooj tagged also.

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saw some odd behaviour in Makuri. the sprint started at the arch rather than the dotted line

after this the distance to go increments rather than goes down

happened a couple of times on the ride Neokyo allnighter router. next ride, seemed OK


Sad that this is over a year old topic.
I saw it on Saturday on the Neokyo All-Nighter

In fairness I think this is something that went away for a year and has recently come back.

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I have ridden very little in Makuri so I can’t say I have paid much attention to this, but I don’t remember this ever getting fixed, and I couldn’t quickly find a release note to that effect either.

I have ridden makuri a lot and gone through the places where this happens many times and only recently noticed it happening so either it only appeared for me recently or it went away and has come back

The apparent current one with the timer is much more noticeable though, the original bug just displayed the leaderboard on the left side of the screen.

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Ah ok, that is probably something different then. Leaderboards do often pop up from time to time in various places

this starts at the finish banner and the counter counts upwards, the ETA just gets longer and longer tand then it eventually disappears

This has always been an issue. Seems like it should be an easy fix, no?

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Richmond KQOM does the same thing, doesn’t it?

Not sure @Tom_J?

@shooj can we get some confirmation that this sprint will work correctly for next weeks ZRL? That will be a mess if it isn’t working correctly. Thanks!

Managed to find this online on someone’s blog–I was pretty sure Libby Hill was doing this as well.

:man_facepalming: but why?