Program crashes!

Hi, all! Had trouble after downloading the program. Crashed and closed before I could do anything. Uninstalled it and now it won’t let me reinstall it because I already used my code!!

Not getting through to anyone in support. Not impressed so far. Hope this wasn’t a mistake.

Can anyone help?


PC, MAC, Android, iPhone???

PC laptop.

Hardware - CPU, RAM, SSD or HDD, GPU?
Software - Win10 last build, all drivers up to date?

All updates installed and up to date. Win 10 and loaded with lots of RAM. We purchased it as a back up to our CPU should it ever crash. Def has the capacity if that’s what you are thinking. No large programs are installed on it either. Kept clean so no problems there either.

Can you post the complete specs of your PC so we know for sure it can handle Zwift.

Win 10 Home Edition
RAM 451 GB…400 available after install
64 Bit OS
Intel (R) Core™ i5CPU

You need to check that again, Windows 10 Home has a limit of 128GB of RAM.

I think you are referring to your drive space when you reference 451GB.

What is the graphics card?