Producing more w/kg than riders ahead but unable to catch up

Zwift does not have wind and it compare very well with IRL when it is a windless day. Comparing apples and apples.

Feature requestā€¦ add random wind and put a windvane indicator in the HUDā€¦ I think the golf simulator games have this.

A few weeks back I was riding with Maria in Makuri and was at one point not paying enough attention and therefore got dropped. As an heavier rider than Maria 94kg vs 75kg I was doing almost 10 minutes around 3,0 to 3,5 w/kg and Maria only was riding further and further away at a 2,2 w/kg (165 watt) from me. How is this possible as I was doing way more w/kg and way more raw power than the Maria group and only lost more distance to the group.

BTW I was riding with another rider in the beginning trying to catch up.

u can catch up to coco with that pace easily.
were u riding a TT bike or something?

Iā€™d say Zwift has it about right. If youā€™re chasing a group (pretty much always the case) thereā€™s a leader pulling everyone else. Itā€™s hard to track because the leaders rotate pulling. That 4-5 wkg number is in there while several other riders behind them are at 2.5-3.5.

My experience is a gap of 4+ seconds is almost impossible to overcome.

Wind would be a fun Zwift feature, but itā€™s a non-issue as it would affect everyone equally (plus, people would hate it).

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Watts and Watts/Kg is totally different on flat groundā€¦the W/KG displayed isnā€™t the important figure as already mentionedā€¦ would be cool if it displayed w/kg on inclines and on flat just power.
whos going fasterā€¦
80cm 67kg rider at 4w/kg (oooh strong) ā€¦(268w)
80cm 90kg rider at 3w/kg (1w less, must be slower?) ā€¦(270w)
the lower w/kg rider is putting out more Power, and would be going faster or similar.

HOWEVER, How zwift deals with wind resistance of two equal height riders of different weightā€¦?! that I donā€™t know. but would assume they would increase frontal area of a 2nd riderā€¦ thus making them slower a bit.

With only 2w more than the 67kg rider I would say the 90kg rider will go a lot slower because the rolling resistance is a function of weight.

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Yeah I missed that aspect of it, however doing a quick test of bike speed calculator online shows a 67 and 90kg rider going 270w on 0% gradeā€¦

90kg: 35 kph
67kg: 35.6 kph

not as significant as maybe I would have thought after missing it (or as noted by ā€œa lotā€), and with just 12w more power needed to overcome the weight at those watts and weights.

I would assume when they are mentioning catching a pack, they are watching the lead rider and all riders to see if someone is ā€˜pullingā€™ at the front at harder then the rear drafting riders. Also based on my limited zwifting experience (low race count and lvl28)ā€¦ not many people put in work on the front to push a groups pace, mostly just a through and off rotation at almost all the same effortā€¦ so easy to gauge a pack ahead. Most group events I have been in lately people are not even doing a 5-10sec push when they find themselves on the front.