Poll for short crit racing routes

What are your favorite short (5km or less) criterium circuits for racing? Check all that apply. Leave a comment if I missed your favorite or if you despise any of these routes. Please share this poll with your club or team.

  • Bell Lap or Downtown Dolphin
  • Glasgow Crit Circuit
  • Mech Isle Loop
  • Laguardia Loop (or reverse)
  • Neokyo Crit Course
  • Duchy Estate
  • Queens Highway
  • Volcano Circuit (or CCW)
  • Classique (or reverse)
  • Richmond Rollercoaster
0 voters

Rooftop Rendezvous?

It’s a bit longer than 5Km, but I think Grand Central is massively underused.


New requests, use the KOM bypass to create a loop on the top of the hill.The run into the line would be really tough one.


TBF Crit city works both ways and really does the job as is seen by its popularity. Im not a fan of any of the Neokyo routes.


Downtown Dolphin and Bell Lap should have their own entries just like Duchy vs. Queens Highway. They are not the same race. I prefer Downtown Dolphin by a lot thanks to having the steeper kicker.


I can’t fix the poll but I appreciate the feedback

I forgot The Fan Flats, which is reverse of Richmond Rollercoaster but has a shorter lead-in. What do people think of those two? Any preference?

Hilly KOM Bypass is Awesome!
I road that several times as a free ride and thought someone should make that a route.

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