Please improve Zwift racing

Then it’s not working, because they keep going. 180 ADZ laps here and seen enough of them to prove you wrong. The folks going up ADZ at 7w/kg lap after lap and ~30min laps don’t get blocked.

And who are you calling a noob… :roll_eyes:

How many laps of ADZ have you done?

your profile name is profile.php?z=2XXXXXX vs profile.php?z=6XXXX smaller is better, SO yes you are noob, maybe just look into things before you talk to the king. i can be like, back in my day. there was only hilly route. old man with cane.


People who are in that situation aren’t going on solo breaks out of the pen. I imagine that these riders have limited race history and are jumping on after doing a few rides and no hard 5 min effort.

And even if they do a hard 5 min effort their seed is really low compared with folk who’ve been racing a while.

There are some improvements that could easily be made that lessen the need for this idea, but a positive message like “you’re clearly stronger than the other riders in this pen, for the benefit of others you’re being hidden from others - check your new ZRS after the race” could work.

Not the zrs top priority, which must be moving people to true seed not their floor.

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Then there are a problem with the seeding that need to be fixed. You can’t penalize someone for have a good day.

There’s no such thing as a good day, there’s just a day when you perform to your potential.


Which is why I dont think people should be ‘punished’ for showing that true potential. It should be encouraged as much as that is never going to happen.

If someone sets a new 5 min PB, well done, good result, here is you new ZR score and new category to race in - Preferably without the 15% discount to start at floor that should have been removed as soon as the seed metrics changed.

I have completely lost track of the floors, seeds, Mu, sigma, tau, whatever else. The water is so murky now unless you live it and breathe it every day it’s nonsensical (and probably still nonsensical if you do). Someone needs to take a step back and just address the simple stuff. It blows my mind that when this was released, the approach was considered too complex for the end user to understand.


I believe the term is dogs dinner of a solution.

There must be one person in Zwift HQ sat at the back of the room going ffs how did we get this so wrong (again).


On top of the diabolically poor race schedule for pen A racers, where does this heap of cow dung system go from here?

How it took ~9 months to come up with this after ZwiftHQ came to their senses and scrapped the comical summer '23 results based system, is an absolute mystery.

You don’t need a PHD to put this system in a long term hidden test out of view of subscribers and see so many of the flaws pointed out on this forum since pre-alpha release around July '24.

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Except for something like intentional score tanking, which nobody would do if the score were invisible and didn’t affect their starting pen. User behavior in response to the change would only be revealed with widespread adoption.

Id suggest they probably need to communicate how they expect it to work when complete, how the scoring and ranking work etc. But that is going to fall on deaf ears.

I believe from discussions elsewhere, the resource for ZRS has been pointed elsewhere at this time. That output might actually be a benefit in the long term but if its delivered to meets Zwift staffers needs over user wants then who knows.

Back to ZRS, IMHO they need to:

  • Move users to seed score and make this the base score now compound score is being used.
  • Fix the points system and how these are gained & lost would go someway to resolving the issue.
  • Find a fix for high level\score racers - Id suggest an hour long race every 2 hours with a single pen so there is another Zwift race available (but this has to be fixed alongside scoring so it is not used to tank scores).
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how about just a proper way to flag riders. give organisers control over their own races would be a start.


Actually, i remember joining zwift and that happening to me - i was very new to cycling and broke the cat D limits in my third race, being “robbed” of a win on ZP. I knew that I was too strong for that category and moved on.

Are people really going to be so selfish as to not recognise that when they win with 5 minutr power .4w/kg more than anyone else, they’re not really racing fairly? These aren’t people having a good day, its people in the wrong race.

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This. There is now an incomprehensible implementation that definitely does not work. The only good things is that results impact score. How it does that and everything else is completely disfunctional. You can’t look at scores and see any meaning in them.

It’s a broker record but vELO implementation at actually results in scores that make sense. When I compare riders the absolute level of score doesn’t mean anything to me. However, people I’d regard as definitely better have a higher score and vice versa. There is a bit of a high dependency on 5m power rather than actual results (my score jumped up a lot after NY last week) but nothing is perfect. In all cases it outperforms ZRS and scores are defensible. ZRS? Not at all.

Someone made a chrome extension and now I can see the ZRS changes on Zwiftpower and was already shaking my head when I look at my last race.


Tha A rider who won was alone in that A race. I won also but in C where there were 18 finishers.
He got a +22 in ZRS while I got a +12 …

For me at least, this awful Racing Score system has had a negative affect on my zwiftracingapp record, I used to be ~799 and I’m now ~550.

Yes I’ve lost some fitness, but being thrown in the same weakest pen as those able to do ~3.5W/Kg for 5-12mins is also a factor, because I’m not going to wreck myself trying to finish ~30th instead of ~50th or worse after being dropped in a Racing Score system that will give me a points increase for finishing higher regardless of relative ability.

When I’ve been barely been able to keep with the lead group the odd time, I will fully commit to putting out my quite pathetic sprint and try and finish as high as possible, such as my 3rd in race two on 8th Feb…

But only getting five points for 3rd/100 is nonsense!

The same race on zwiftracingapp gave me 39 vELO points, as I was expected to finish 50th (from those registered on zwiftpower).

As in he got points for being the only rider in his pen?

That’s insane! :clown_face:

Does anyone else remember seeing stuff like this almost a year ago in their zwift dot com profile, before it was an error and hidden away?

Sauce had been displaying the score changes for a good few months prior to its official release. It was the only place you could see changes easily until @Peter_Twigt mentioned a Chrome extension (What is the name\link please)

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It is still waiting for approval from chrome. We just got to test it a bit in advance.


I understand your comment, but that is a seeding issue. If Zwift put you in the wrong cat then you should be able to win be proud and be moved to the next higher cat.

The big problem is not the person that win once (on a good day), it is those that just stay at top week after week spoiling races.