Personalized Route Estimates [January 2025]

For future improvements, give community ride organizers a way to calculate (and then publish in their event signup pages), an estimated time commitment for the w/kg that their rides are supposed to follow.


This is super cool and very helpful when selecting routes. The language is somewhat misleading, though. It would be stronger to say “Estimated Duration for You” than “Duration for most riders”.

In fact “Duration for most riders” would often be incorrect, because it implies that you’re at the same level as most riders - which you’re not. Instead you’re mostly like others in your category, but a cat. D rider is very much NOT a cat. A ride or vice versa.

Will there be any further development of this feature or is it it complete as-is?

Looking at my LaReine and VenTop estimates and still not sure about the rounding. VenTop is 1.7km shorter but has an extra 334m of climbing but the estimates both show 1hr45min.

Interesting, for me I get a 30 min estimated difference.

I did the braekfast route today, it estimated 45 minutes and at 2/3 FTP I did it in 40:xx. Wish there were some explanation of how it calculates