New Robo Pacers design - Love or hate?

Hi all - i mentioned in a different forum my view on the new robo pacer bots. Many have strong views - so I thought I would open this thread so people could “vote”. Feel free to offer your view!

Better than they were. It’s a more natural riding style now.

I like them

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I find the new design a bit harder to see in a larger group.
Perhaps Zwift could put a holo glow around them.


I also like them.

I’ll get my popcorn and sit back for this.


I think our new robo overlords :robot: look cool :sunglasses: As someone else mentioned, I also find them a bit harder to identify in a large group.

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I do like the new look far better than the old (ghost like) look. However they should recieve new names as they are not male nor female anymore.

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The upcoming Player Highlight feature might address this


I, for one, welcome our new Robo Pacer overlords. I’d like to remind them as a trusted forum member, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground pain caves.


I don’t use robopacers much but i’ll vote anyway i like them

Love them. Now they look like real Robo Pacers.

But are you voting to Love or Hate? It’s not a very good poll, is it? :crazy_face:

  • I like the new Robo Pacers

0 voters


I like the design and mysteriously don’t find them hard to find in a pack. Maybe it’s something to do with the MASSIVE FLOATING BEACON that hovers just above them.



I mostly ride with Coco and Yumi so it blends in with the thumberstorms. Probably less of a concern for people who only ride with yellow bots. I’m confident the pace partners will get the glow by default which should make it easier to watch them.

I prefer the old pace partners but if I had to pick between killbots being officially called Pace Partners again and the OG bots being called robopacers I’d pick the killbots.


So like R2D2, BB8, etc…


I mostly ride with the red group and sometimes it is hard to see the robot when there is a large group or we are passing through the enormous coco or Maria groups.

Otherwise the design doesn’t bother me. When every hill turns into a 6.5w/kg quest to kill the others in the group then you get little time to worry about the look of the robot rider. You just try to hang on.


They’re fine…i do agree that they’re not as visible in the bunch as the old glowing bots


Love them.