There are people in that thread with the same issue as you, it’s all the same I believe: Mac blank screen, colored screen and black blocks [October 2021] [1.18.0] [SOLVED] - #74 by Craig_G
I thought I saw someone mention that Zwift on Mac is now defaulting to on-board graphics and you can no longer select the egpu?
I’ve never been able to select the egpu it just worked after selecting max resolution no problem
Exact same issue, same OS, slightly older iMac (2010).
Same here
Zwift crashes after I click let’s go
Os x el capitain 10.11.6
Macbook pro 13 inch early 2011
This is IT 101. Wasn’t a back-up taken on the previous release before implementing the newer version? This should have been a 10 minute outage, not 40+ hours. Secondly, the QA process is clearly faulty, to release a new version that potentially impacted 50%of your user base. This should have been tested on an internal QA environment and then released to a SMALL sub-set external community, before a general release. As far as the user base using older versions there and variety of reasons as stated in the chat above me. However, as appropriately identified, we should have an option to upgrade if older releases are going to be non-supported or discontinued, you need to publish a timeline and the prerequisites required to run the current version. IT 101. If I need to replace my Apple Notebook, then I will consider other virtual training alternatives.
macOS Catalina
Version 10.15.7
MacBook Air (13-inch, Mid 2012)
Processor 1,8 GHz Dual-Core intel Core i5
Memory 4 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Startup Disk Macintosh HD
Graphics Intel HD Graphics 4000 1536 MB
After today’s update I’m seeing the black screen (with functional heads-up display, info panels, etc), red tint screen, and yellow-green tint screen. See attached screenshots. This is on a mid-2012 Mac Air (2 GHz Intel Core I7 CPU, 8G RAM, Intel HD Graphics 4000 1536MB) running Mac OS Mojave 10.14.6. Other than the display oddities the app seems to run fine.
OS10.12.6 - app will not launch
Hey everyone - thanks for your patience while we sorted out this bug. Version 1.18.1 (1.0.85684) for MacOS has released. Please update at your earliest convenience.
PC / iOS / ATV / Android versions of 1.18.1 will follow as soon as possible.
Thanks for the update and the quick fix!
Confirmed this fixed it. Thx!
Yep. All fixed for me. Thanks. I know this was frustrating for us but you resolved the issue in well under 24hrs … nice work.
That’s fixed it. Thanks Zwift tech team!
Thanks for looping back to confirm this patch fixed it.
For those with lingering issues: please try a thorough removal of all Zwift-related files including what’s under Application Support before reinstalling. Be sure to save your personal best data and any custom workouts. The complete instructions are on our Support Hub.
If this problem persists after that step - please use the Contact Us link on so we can provide one on one assistance.
Updated & Zwift works for me. THANK YOU!
All good now! Thank-you!
I updated from MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6 to MacOS Big Sur and Zwift is finally opening!
It worked for me too! What a relief! Thanks for the quick fix!