Mac blank screen, colored screen and black blocks [October 2021] [1.18.0] [SOLVED]

I confirm exactly same issues on my High Sierra OS. Tech support asked me to update graphics driver although HS should be up to date.


:rofl: :joy: :rofl:

new update 1.18: Zwift can not run on my old MacBook Pro on macOS 10.11.6 El Capitan, help!


A bit sad that this is needed even for those who connected their MacBook to an eGPU a year or two ago. Now suddenly Zwift doesn’t even recognize the eGPU (Radeon RX580) and you can’t tell it to use it. Instead, Zwift now chooses to overuse the built-in graphics card until it gets overheated - even for a 2020 model MacBook Pro this is an issue…

See Mac blank screen, colored screen and black blocks [October 2021] [1.18.0] [SOLVED]

I have this issue also. Game loads but the game screen is black. Data and rider names show but no graphic. Lowered the screen resolution and the graphic has a green appearance

Go to Mac blank screen, colored screen and black blocks [October 2021] [1.18.0] [SOLVED]

All these updates and no longer works on macs - well done guys - come on get this fixed please!!!

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Are you resolving the Mac OSX crashing issue at login?

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You need to follow this thread: Mac blank screen, colored screen and black blocks [October 2021] [1.18.0] [SOLVED]

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I could not sincronize gamin foodpod on samsung a70

Same for me. Scroll bar missing from routes on Windows. Completely unusable for me. Can only ride the handful of routes I can see on screen without scrolling :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Update has resulted in Zwift repeatedly crashing on my mac after Let’s Go button and before the devices screen appears, ruined a night’s training. Fingers crossed there’s a better update tomorrow!

Follow this thread: Mac blank screen, colored screen and black blocks [October 2021] [1.18.0] [SOLVED] - #164 by Alistair_Mendez_MRR

To be clear, I can still scroll in the normal way (click and drag or multi-touch gesture).

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Hi Zwift, since the update on a max mini 2018 the max resolution is 1080p, ultra has disappeared, please fix as it’s slow and clunky in 1080p

Mac Mini 2018 has integrated Intel graphics meaning it gets Basic profile, so 1080p being the maximum selectable resolution is expected behaviour. I’m not sure why you’d have had 1440p resolution available before, that’s odd.

Sorry should have said I use a egpu

Ah okay that makes more sense. In which case your problem relates directly to this wider MacOS issue: Mac blank screen, colored screen and black blocks [October 2021] [1.18.0] [SOLVED]

Well no as I read through that, Zwift works fine just not at the 1440 resolution I had before the update, not one mention of this, any way to revert back from this update?
Thanks for help btw