Level progress bar after race issue

Today I participated in all four KISS 2KM Pursuit League races, each was 2km long and after each finish I continued riding for another 3-4 kilometers and no experience was given for that distance.

Is it a bug? Usually the “+20exp” appears after each kilometer and progress bar moves for a tiny bit.

Screenshots with no change in progress bar:
IMG_3573 IMG_3574

I play on Apple TV 4K with Companion app for iOS.

Hey Gleb, checking in on this, thank you for the heads up!

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Hey @nvm did you save and exit the race afterwards or did you ride those extra kms within that same session without saving, then saved after?

I was riding within the same session, and was joining next event from the same session as well. That seems logical :slight_smile:

Same here. Did a workout. Received XP after 3 km or so an then nothing more. The km turned orange for a second but there was no XP showing on the right side of the progress bar …

Did 20 km with no additional progress in the bar.

Here are the current stats after yesterday’s workout:
image image

Investigating! So you were still in the workout and not gaining XP on your progress bar?

Edit: You all said Yes to the accelerated leveling correct? If so your XP is being saved it just hasn’t been showing in the UI. There is a patch for this coming up.

  1. yes
  2. yes

Did a group ride yesterday and recieved xp as I should. Still missing progress at the level bar from the workout …