The revival of this thread and today’s game patch (1.17.2)., to add “support for new resolutions for Apple A15 based devices” has got me thinking about what I experience graphics-wise with my zwifting device.
Since joining Zwift in April 2019, I’ve been been using a 2018 model 12.9" iPad Pro (A12X chip, 264 ppi screen, model A1876) placed about 40 cm (15.7’') or less from my nose when in the saddle.
As far as I understand it from @Dave_ZPCMR 's helpful contributions in many threads, this will be running a variant of the Basic graphics profile. And yes, compared to the highest tier examples that I’ve seen on YouTube and here, the iPad Pro graphics are, as @Thomas_Tollstedt put it succinnctly, pretty bland.
I have tried Zwift very briefly on an ageing MacBook Pro and a recent 4K AppleTV. The MBP graphics weren’t remarkably different – despite the cooling fans going into worryinngly shrill overdrive anytime Zwift was running. I found the tvOS result nothing special and was quickly frustrated by having to use the Apple remote instead of the very user-friendly touch-screen. How people use that in the heat of the moment, especially when the mind isn’t all there following an all-out effort, I don’t know.
But the great thing about the iPad experience for me is that, in 540 hours of zwifting, I can count on the fingers of one hand (literally) the occasions on which I have had a problem opening Zwift, using the game as intended, or had it crash it on me while riding.
I can fully understand that a connoisseur of ultra-high-definition graphics would find what I am satisfied with disappointing but, luckily for me, I’m not used to any better and very quickly I find myself fully immersed in what I see on my small-but-close-up screen.
Every time there’s a game update, I thank my lucky stars that my experience isn’t damaged or completely broken, like so many cases we can read about on these Forums.
I suppose what I’m rambling on about here is this: would I – or you – be willing to risk the convenience and peace of mind that I’m/we’re used to for the sake of a much richer visual experience? And would/does a much richer visual aspect improve significantly the overall zwifting experience?
If there were a much higher resolution, even larger touch-screen experience available, I’d be very tempted to try it (finances permitting), but I guess for the moment I’ll go with the ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ approach.
I just want to ride, at the end of the day.
By the way, @Dave_ZPCMR (sorry to hassle you, but you seem to be the go-to guy here) is there a way of finding out exactly what profile this device is runnning, so that I have a benchmark from which to gauge others that I might try? Cheers.