Impact of bi-annual clock changes on Events Roster

Is there someone at Zwift who can please explain HOW the Spring/Fall clock changes affect the time that Events show up on the public Events Roster? For one of our leaders (Love Riding Club) in the UK, the clock change did NOT affect his event roster time, but for another lead (in Denmark), it did change to an hour later. It changed to an hour later for all of us here in the States (for those states that do the clock change). More importantly, is there ANY work being done to allow club leaders to edit the time of their group rides without having to send a request to Zwift? Thank you in advance for any helpful information.

Events are scheduled using UTC

Zwift wants to keep control over schedule changes

It also depends on which time change the team submits to make the change. I have 4 group rides weekly, 2 changed with US/CA, 1 changed with UK and the other will change with AUS, based on where the ride leads and sweeps are located.