How can I check performance?

How can I check how i performed on a specific exercise? Say I did a 1h ride that has some high power segments and other lower ones, is there a way to see my average watts on each of those segments?

Hi @Karl_Bachian, if you use the companion app you will find all your activities there with the metrics you are looking for, also you can log into to see your activity feed.

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I’d suggest downloading your .fit files from Zwift and importing them into Golden Cheetah.

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Hi @Karl_Bachian

Welcome to the Forum.

Mike has some good points. I will add that you can link Zwift to Strava and look at your rides there.

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Hi everyone, thanks for the reply.
To clarify a bit more, I’m trying to determine what my average watts were for a 10 minute time segment which started say at a specific time since I was doing a small FTP test. I can see all the data and the variance but was wondering if I can somehow see the average for that segment somewhere considering that i was doing a Zwift “segment”.

I still suggest Golden Cheetah. Zwift doesn’t have the tools for this kind of analysis.

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Golden Cheetah does this, easily.

  1. Import the activity file.
  2. Activity > Find Intervals…
  3. Look at your intervals.