Help with Zwift Ride (Saddle Replacement)

Hello all. I’m writing because I recently obtained the Zwift Ride frame to attach to my Kickr Core. I was able to remove the default saddle and am now trying to install a new Brooks B17 short saddle. The instructions Zwift provides aren’t really helping me, at all. I can’t tell which direction I’m supposed to approach getting the rails on and am approaching levels of rage.

I’ve searched for a video that I could watch but have had no luck. Similarly I have not had any luck finding a photo guide.


Thanks in advance.

Hi @Robert_Raines welcome to Zwift Forums.

Please see the diagram at the bottom this article on installing a new saddle on your Zwift Ride We hope that helps!

Isn’t the process just doing in reverse what was done to remove the original saddle?

So this article just breezes over the actual mechanics of how the new saddle goes on. This is the document I criticized in my post. Why isn’t there a video, for instance, showing how to do it?

I have the opposite issue. The OEM saddle is the oddly most comfortable I’ve found in over a decade and Zwift will not sell me an additional one to put on my outdoor bike. If you figure out a new solution, I’d love to buy your OEM Zwift ride saddle from you.

If you are in the UK, you can buy mine.