Relatively new to zwift - bought a zwift hub one a few months back (before it was discontinued), but ended up putting a cassette on the trainer because the zwift click was very glitchy for me.
Anyway, in sim mode I’m always needing to be in pretty high gears – to the point that I can spin out my highest gear (50x11) while sprinting on flat. This is not an issue for me outside. I would like to request a “Gear Offset” feature that can increase or decrease trainer resistance - effectively shifting gearing up or down. If there is already a way to do this then please let me know.
It’s not officially supported by zwift - even though it seems pretty trivial and is fully supported by some competitors.
So let’s look for workarounds.
You’ve got a zwift hub, which as I understand it supports virtual shifting whether or not you’re using the “one” cog, though you do need to have the click connected. You might be able to use virtual shifting to get this offset working.
Virtual shifting only calculates your physical gear ratio once, and uses that to establish the virtual gear ratios. I’m not sure what physical gear ratio the virtual gear 12 is meant to represent, something in the middle of your ratio range I suspect, but if you put your bike into a slightly easier gear than that when you start riding it will establish it as the baseline.
From there you would use your physical gears to shift, and you should have the offset you’re looking for.
Disclaimer - I’ve never used zwift virtual shifting, this is completely untested. But it seems like it would work. I expect some experimenting would be required to work out what gear to start in. And you’d have to do this at the start of every ride.
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Thanks for the suggestion Tom. This sounds like a reasonable work around. I’ll give it a try!
Have you had a go at this? I’m curious to know how it went.
Yes. It seems to work well! Haven’t had much of a chance to dial in my starting physical / virtual gear preferences yet though.
Since this is in the feature request forum, I still think zwift adding a slider to do this in settings would be useful for lots of people.
Thanks again!
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