Game Update v1.67 [June 2024]

Thanks @evan-zwift!

I got the same thing. Well, still riding and have the same thing happening now.
It seems like it could be a very similar bug to the one on Scotland where everyone gets the Champions Sprint Reverse jersey. Can you sort that one out at the same time?

Just to confirm, are you referring to this one? Bug: Glasgow Champion's Sprint reverse "segment"

Yes, that’s the one

Thanks @Tom_Shelton, we’ll look into this.

I will not miss the old Epic in terms of appearance; well done ZHQ, it looks more like a mountain climb now than a floating road. :tada:

Congrats to the design team, well done.

Also, I got a big chuckle at the rubber ducky in the ice cube near the top of The Grade.

Hi, is Coastal Crown Loop a loop? The game turned me left here and into the rest of Watopia as opposed to the route here

I had the same issue mentioned above where I received a seemingly undeserved KOM jersey. Happened 2 days in a row on different routes while descending the new switchbacks.

i got game update like 2 hours ago was there 2nd download this week. @shooj ? thanks

@Michael_Darley @C_Edge

Not necessarily a glitch. Probably #2 of the following. As far as I know you can get the KOM jersey as follows:

  1. You get the KOM jersey if you’re the fastest up the KOM.
  2. You get the KOM jersey if you move up the leaderboard as those above you timeout (might include exit Zwift). I think the timeout is 60min?

In my case it was most certainly a glitch. I got the KOM jersey as I passed the banner at the top of The Grade KOM climb, after turning off the epic KOM. Tides and Temples doesn’t cover any KOM segments in the correct direction, I hadn’t completed any KOM segments during that ride, and it was my only activity that day so no chance that I had a time on a leaderboard that happened to become the top rank at the same time

On the activity achievement in companion in says:
Received The Grade Jersey

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@Lin_Alan Thank you. Definitely a glitch. My experience was identical to @Tom_Shelton . regards. Mike

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Same. I had times of 7 and 8 seconds as well. And I was in an event doing Z2 where others were racing. There was a “reverse” arrow on the jersey icon at least one of the two times. I had a similar thing happen (a sprint jersey where none existed) while coasting down “Old la Honda” in the climb portal a while back. No hurry to fix this one, My wife used to say polka dots can have a “slimming” effect…

With the latest update I have problems on my Mac OS Sonoma 14.5, the application crash.

I did a warm up pacer ride before an event today. The event timing shows in the bottom left hand corner, but no button to join. Haven’t had that before.

you have to click on it now, then it pop up, i dont know if it bug or not. @Od_Avinu

Supreme Chancellor of Zwift King Bath Salts

Many thanks, appreciated, I’ll see if I can do that next time. Although it assumes you have a mouse or within reach of a touchscreen. I can’t remember whether Zwift Play controllers were able to select the event buttons previously.

More details on the Mac?

I’ve tested on 14.5 Intel Mac Pro 28 core 2.5ghz with and was working fine, but can’t test again since that machine is on Sequoia 15.0 beta now as is my Mac laptop

I did the same on Friday and got the buttons to appear. Also got the repeated join messages.

Is ok right now, i downloaded the new version and inhaled again, now is ok, thanks

There’s a hole in the mountain that didn’t exist before. View from the slope approaching turn 20.