is aspects of PD5 being enabled in the background?
Just experienced VERY weird behavior on our endurance ride that I’ve never experienced before, but it was almost a PD3 churn, but really just the center lane was the real churn; at which point once out front you’d get kicked to the sides, and consumed through the rear and then spit back out towards the front center.
This graphic is a quick attempt at showing what was happening from my experience.
If holding a high enough pace to sit towards the front, this is what was happening to myself, and others, enough for it to it became a topic… though folks had noticed that the “pace” was “surgey”, but… the pace was not surgey; just the position in the pack was (which, granted I understand some folks like to sit in a spot in a pack, and will throw down literally any amount of watts to stay there, causing it to be surgey on their end).
However, you could sit super steady on the pace, and the churn was absolutely there…