Game Update 1.34 [April 2023]

Update April 18
We’ve rolled out to more Windows / iOS / Apple TV / Android devices.

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I got it today - seemed like it all worked as expected.

My rider score is about what i’d expect it to be - seems odd not to show the level score too as that is the one that is actually useful for something but i suppose most people’s will be the same so not a huge issue


Just curious. Is anyone else having an issue where the orange menu button doesn’t disappear when riding? Since I did the most recent update, my orange menu button is stuck in the corner of my screen. Any help to fix this would be appreciated. Thanks!

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I noticed that on my latest couple of race videos

4 posts were split to a new topic: KICKR Bike Powerup and U turn buttons don’t work [1.34] [April 2023]

@Michael_Scaffardi and @Alex_Eames
Thanks for flagging this up. I’ve verified both of you are using Zwift v 1.34, and we are investigating.

I actually logged off of Zwift and restarted my computer. When I jumped back in with the pace partner the menu button did disappear like normal. When I did the earlier Z racing series event, the quit event and menu button stayed on the screen for the entire race. Thanks for checking into it.

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Right before becoming a feature?

I have the same issue but only when using Steering (Sterzo)…otherwise all is normal.
Camera 3 is also not stable…riders are jumpy. Without Steering (Sterzo) everything is smooth.

I agree Chris, surely it would be best to show you the actual level XP ride score and then default to the real XP rider score at level 60. Also the accelerated XP doesn’t appear to work on ATV, only seeing 20 XP per km. Next rollout will probably sort it.

…so when is the phased roll-out scheduled to conclude (MacBook)?

At this rate I reckon I’ll get it on PC…never…as by the time i renew my membership which expires at the end of the month, and wont be renewed till about October, a later update will be available :rofl:

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After I get it on Mac Pro, if ever. :rofl:

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Yeah, I’m assuming the same

UPDATE April 20
1.34 is available to more PC, Android, iOS and Apple TV devices today.
Next phased rollout will happen on Monday.

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I got it in my Zwift gaming PC this morning. Getting ready to try it with a long 45 miles ride. I will report back with any bugs findings.

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Is it possible that this update occurs in the background? I only ask because I haven’t seen the “Updating” progress bar while booting up Zwift (I usually sit in front of the screen getting my kit on while it boots, but it’s possible that I missed it, especially if it was fast one), and, yet, before my ride on Tuesday, the little window that opens as you start booting the game said Version 1.34 on it.

I’ve been a bit paranoid about an update happening (and worse crashing requiring an uninstall/reinstall) when I’m running late for an event - was especially paranoid about it happening before the HERD Omnium events last weekend that had caused me to getup at 4am - so I’ve been watching for it. I’m not really impatient for it or anything, just wondering if it’s already happened and I missed it so I can go back to getting dressed and ignoring the screen.

The update process hasn’t changed. The process can be significantly faster depending on the size of the update. Sometimes, the “Updating” and “Installing” progress bar you mentioned flashes on and off in a few seconds.

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Great, sounds like I missed it because it was fast and I wasn’t paying attention. I love it when updates don’t affect my ride in any way.

I noticed a change in the update process (Windows) recently. The launcher used to ask for admin privileges when there was a game update available, but after a recent launcher update (1.1.6 I think) the launcher no longer asks for authorization, it just applies the update.

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