Exploit found which can lead cheating

A couple of days ago, I posted my “first thoughts” about this (post 340) and said I hadn’t decided whether to post my “second thoughts”. What held me back was the timing – I didn’t want to post those thoughts within 24 hours of the world championships, as they related to the credibility of events like this and I’ve got a lot of respect for the competitors.

Thankfully, since then, @Eric Min has responded and his statement included measures to cover off the key concern I had. This is what I wrote but didn’t publish on Friday:

My second thoughts:

Having recently typed up some anti-doping guidelines for a sports governing body, I went looking for Zwift’s guidelines about how to report issues. But the only reporting process I could find in Zwift’s esports guidelines tell you how to report people who cheat - not gaps in the software.

I think it’s understandable that Zwift didn’t add this to their guidelines earlier - this is a new sport where you couldn’t predict everything which would come up. But for the credibility of esport going forward, I feel there has to be a clear way of reporting software issues which can be exploited, and a process which will be followed so ways to cheat are stopped quickly - not “longer term”. I think this is important for the credibility of all online sport, of platforms like Zwift, and of governing bodies which associate with it.

For the sake of credibility, I think we need a clear process of how we can (privately) report ways of cheating with the software, and clear details of how they will be handled, so when opportunities to cheat appear, we can have the confidence to see them quickly get sorted.

…And this is how Eric Min covered this off in his message:

The suggestion of a “bounty” gives me some confidence that the type of system Eric is talking about should have the tracking and transparency this type of thing needs to be credible. This is great, but I have to say my confidence is tempered by Zwift’s track record of fixing things “in due course” or “Zoon”. It’s this which is making me think “it’s time for me to think of Zwift as more like ‘just a game’ and less something to be so passionate about.

I’d like to thank great Zwift staff like @xflintx and @James_Zwift and @shooj for responding to things quickly on here, and I’ve loved the results of the work which has gone into recent improvements to racing with cat enforcement. Thanks to everyone else as well for the engaging conversations we’ve had about detailed topics.

But the last few days have made me want to step away from the madness on here. I’ll still be a Zwifter, I’ll still push like heck in the Tour of Watopia, but I’ll be quieter.

So have fun everyone, and enjoy going round and round in circles - whether you’re racing in crit city or talking about race ranking. :wink:

Ride On.