Does Richmond's 2nd Climb Really Count?

Dear Zwift Leadership,

I know that the second hill in Richmond isn’t a real KOM climb, but I powered up for a sustained sprint anyway hoping to wear ANY polka-dot jersey for the first time ever…

And there it is…right next to my name, but not on me

Can you please show a big man some love and put the jersey on all players that take a KOM in Richmond?

Best Regards,

Papa “Clydesdale” Ray

Thanks for the insight, Ray. If you’d like to request that we mark a second segment in Richmond as a KOM, your post would be better suited for our Feature Request forums. Our developers don’t scan through the General Discussion section much while planning new and additional features, but they do like to consider community feedback and support.

While we can provide jerseys for members that earn them but don’t receive them in-game, we currently don’t have a way to mark members that have passed a specific non-KOM segment to award KOM jerseys, but the feature request may motivate us to make the second hill a KOM segment.