Comparison of PC to my Android Phone

Hey guys, first post, sorry if redundant…

I have a high end PC that I used as a gaming computer. It has been collecting dust, so im considering using it as my zwift device, but im wondering if its worth it to have a dedicated PC instead of my phone.

Does the PC version give me more than the phone? Is it just improved graphics?

Well, if you use the PC for Zwift then you could use the phone for the Companion app and it’ll be easier to use ANT+ devices. Otherwise Zwift is pretty similar on every platform.

I use Zwift on my Windows PC (not a gaming PC but still good graphics, shadows and effects everywhere), iOS (no shadow on riders, no rear riders indicators, different aspect ratio), and older Android phone (no shadows and lights don’t glow).

don’t let it collect dust, you will be very happy with Zwift on a pc. On the plus side you can run multiple app like music and discord while zwifting.

Awesome, Moving it into the workout room first thing this weekend.

Also, is the video output at a maximum resolution? If I use a 4k tv can I output the zwift video at 4k resolution?

Is the audio coming from zwift stereo, 5.1 surround or what?

Video resolution depends on the graphics card installed on your PC.

I think it is in stereo. I have not tried 5.1 since i use headphones so I don’t hear my fans and trainer.

Please let us know how you like it. I guess you will be very happy.

I have a wireless keyboard with track ball mounted on my bike.

I must say I prefer using my gaming monitor 27" very close to my handle bar, instead of the TV on the wall.

The PC is a Core i5 overclocked and water cooled with and ATI 9800. Resolution can go way over 4k if I want it to. Just did a lookup on the TV in the workout room and it only supports 720p…(boo… barely HD) so may have to use the monitor also.

But I have a surround sound receiver in there that I can interface with to get great sound, would be great if it was 5.1 surround.

Looking forward to getting out there in HD, Ill update on the progress.

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Spent a few days setting up the Zwift running app via the superfast and super over qualified PC. I output the video to a 40 inch 1080p TV. This all sits about two feet from the front of my treadmill, sweat is keeping me from bringing it in closer, but it is big enough where its at.

Finally we setup zwift to run at 1080p and I decided that the audio would be fine in stereo coming from the TV. In fact I keep it turned down to keep the noises from overriding my music. Oh and I also setup the Zwift companion on my phone and had a phone holder that allowed me to place it to my immediate left. Quite the setup, I suppose a photo should follow.

My analysis of this setup in comparison to using my phone. There is an improved experience as far as the size of the text graphics and sound quality coming from the tv. The world graphics did improve, but given the quality of the PC I was expecting a bit more in detail.

Now dont get me wrong, if I were to complete a survey, I would insist that the resources for Zwift be focused on gameplay and less on the graphics. However there is a lot of room for improvement for the light management and movement of the interactive world.

I’m keeping the pc setup, but if you are looking at getting one for your zwift setup, you don’t need a lot of pc for the graphics.

The best news is that I am enjoying running on zwift, unlike some of the games that were so focused on realism that they forgot about the point of having creative ways of making the experience entertaining.

I am glad you are happy with the PC. Did you set he graphics to ultra in Zwift settings menu? You can use to check your pc performance.

I saw that setting, but thought that it wasn’t optimized for my 1080p tv so I didnt use it. I selected it this time and yes, much better. I also was able to attach the computer to a PC monitor with a higher refresh rate and the picture got even better. I really enjoyed the 1st person camera view with the sun on my back and my shadow moving in sync with my stride.

So the graphics are great, the game play is great, the training im doing with the 13.1 plan is awesome. Just completed my 5k test and must have completed it to well as my training paces are faster now and amazingly correct.

Next challenge is to do a Zwift long run outside… I think it should work fairly easily with my phone tucked away.

Thanks for the good work and may you have continual delays on a pricing structure for running :slight_smile:

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Glad you got the graphics fixed.

Now it is time for a second monitor for the Map: ZwiftMap (macOS and Windows) – ZwiftHacks

I have the Map on my second monitor and Discord and Spotify or Twitch (watching people streaming Zwift) on my 3rd monitor.

Wireless keyboard with track ball on your handle bars will make life more fun.