Combining the Baseline follow up challenges with the Big Spin on demand?


Does anyone know if the structured workouts in the Baseline follow up challenge need to be opened from the “Baseline follow up challenge carousel” on the Zwift starting page to count for the challenge (or if it works just as well as open up the workout from the “regular” workout folder and still get it credited to the challenge)?

I’m thinking that it would be really nice if it’s possible to ride some of the structured workouts in the Baseline follow up challenge on the “on demand” Big Spin routes. :slightly_smiling_face:

Has anyone successfully combined the structured workouts from the Baseline follow up challenges and the Big Spin route? If yes, did you first open the “on demand” Big Spin route from the “Big Spin”-banner on the Zwift starting page, and then added the structured Baseline challenge workout while being “in” the Big Spin route? Or did you first open the structured workout from the Baseline challenge banner on the Zwift starting page, and then choose to ride the workout on the route which is the Big Spin route this week?

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards,

I don’t think so as the Challenges are route based.

There is an article on Zwift Insider about the Zwift Camp: Baseline Follow-Up Challenges

Hi @Sofia_Nilsson! Welcome to the forums! I’m Francisco from Zwift Support.

Thanks for bringing this up. Let’s break this down to get some ideas.

The structured workouts in the Baseline Follow-Up Challenge need to be opened from the Baseline Follow-Up Challenge carousel on the Zwift starting page to count toward the challenge. This ensures that your progress is properly tracked and credited to the challenge.

As for combining these workouts with the Big Spin routes, it’s important to note that the Baseline Follow-Up Challenges are route-based, meaning they are designed to be completed on specific routes associated with the challenge. While it might be tempting to ride the workouts on the Big Spin routes, doing so may not count toward the challenge unless the workout is started from the Baseline Follow-Up Challenge carousel.

If you’d like to explore this further, you could try the following:

  1. Open the Baseline Follow-Up Challenge workout from the carousel on the starting page.
  2. Once the workout is loaded, select the Big Spin route to see if it allows you to complete the workout on that route.

However, based on the information available, it seems that the workouts are intended to be completed on their designated routes to ensure proper credit.

For more details, you can check out this helpful article on the Baseline Follow-Up Challenges: Zwift Camp: Baseline Follow-Up Challenges.

I can confirm that these steps have worked for me this week when I’ve selected either of the Attacking structured workouts (“Hill attacks” or “Surge to the Max”) from the baseline card on the carousel, then choosing “Douce France” (as that’s this week’s big spin route) from the route selector - completing the workout granted me the progress to the baseline followup challenge, and once I went over the Marina banner at the end of the route, I’d get the big spin.

One caveat, I tried this on Monday before the big spin events moved onto this route and it didn’t trigger the spin at the end of the route - so there may be something to consider in only selecting the current “active” big spin route.

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