Changes to Zwift Subscription Renewals [May 2024]

With MyWhoosh expanding their offering and it remains free, what are we expected to receive extra from the increased membership fee?
Don’t get me wrong - Zwift still costs less than a few stops on an outdoor ride at a coffee shop - but virtual helmets and socks ain’t going to cut it.



Well this price increase is outrageous and not justified. I suspect I won’t be the only person who will be cancelling my subscription when the new price comes into effect. A £2 a month rise may have been ok but £5 absolutely no chance.


I have been zwifting for 8 years now an i will also cancel my suscription.For me the reason is not only the price but also the lack of development of the platform for a long time and also i am tired of Zwift doing its own thing without asking the community.Finally like others have said i think the main problem is not money (other platforms have done huge progress with almost no money) but the sponsoring of pro cycling,big salaries (which at the end of the day doesnt improve the platform)instead of using that money for the platform.


Yep, this has broken the camel’s back for me. I’ve cancelled my subscription and will be investigating alternatives. This, combined with the lack of progress on the Racing Score has pushed me over the edge. Meh, it’s getting warmer now in the UK anyway.


I was considering suspending my account for the first time this summer because of the XP changes, again.
No hesitation anymore. July/August will be without Zwift. IndieVelo is first on my list.


It would’ve been a little less bothersome if the pricing came with some updates now, instead of future updates. Since we all know how those rollout…


Still waiting on route-based workouts over here

And ZRS which was promised in last fall’s TSOZ announcement


My point exactly!

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April fools is more than a month ago!

Are you Fing insane? A ps5 game with way better graphics is cheaper.

I import workouts from join (which are way better) but I gues I don’t need to import anything anymore :joy:


38.5% increase in the UK - wave goodbye to a LOT of current subscribers.


Just cancelled my subscription


Afraid you’ve lost another member, gutted as I was loving it. Just can’t justify a £5 increase and no warning to try and get people to move from monthly to yearly before it hit. Shame.


Zwift subscriber since 2016. I would gladly pay the increased subscription fee. BUT the level of new content moves at a glacial pace. Every 2 years at minimum there should be a Watopia sized world added.

Mt Fuji climb portal? Fail, they missed a huge opportunity to make this a beautiful climb out of Makuri.

My current 1 year subscription goes to October, I will not be re subscribing.


Agreed. 24.99 before tax works out to $27.98 per month now.

That’s quite the unpleasant jump in the middle of a high interest rate and inflation environment.

Now I will acknowledge that is less than some other fitness subscriptions, but the huge jump in one billing cycle just feels like it should come with some product inprovements.

I have been a member since 2015 and kept the sub running all year even though I use it seasonally. Unfortunately I think it’s time to change that strategy.


I was in the same boat. I let my subscription go all year. I doubt I will resubscribe but if I do it’s going to be for 3 months.


Wow - a real shock. I don’t really see a lot of investment, a few more routes here and there. The new climb portals are a joke. You’re market leaders spending a fortune on marketing. This is a big big mistake. I could go with a 10% hike, but 30% is a rip off. Sorry Zwift, I’m out of here. Hello Rouvy.


Just got my notification email about the increase. Just wanted to let you know that Zwift will not get any more money from me.


I’ve filled in the survey to let them know. I have no issues with price increases (they are never nice but reality these days) but £5 is way too steep. The timing of the new features is rather suspect!! I’ll be dusting off MyWhoosh now!


I am surprised at the amount. You can’t claim to be doing us a favour by saying you kept the prices the same since whenever then lump it all together now. I only really use it for exercise/workouts , not so much for racing so I can probably find an alternative with everything I need. I just can’t justify spending that much.


Wow - a real shock. I don’t really see a lot of investment, a few more routes here and there. The new climb portals are a joke. You’re market leaders spending a fortune on marketing. This is a big big mistake. I could go with a 10% hike, but 30% is a rip off. Sorry Zwift, I’m out of here. Hello Rouvy