Changes to Zwift Subscription Renewals [May 2024]

The fact that ZwiftPower is still the default place for race management and results is the biggest damning indictment for me.
It was taken over by Zwift in 2020 and hardly anything has changed! I’ve managed a race series for the last few years, and it’s a real ball ache to use. It needed to be manually updated and checked for thousands of racers in the big recent Zwift racing series by one dude, pretty much zero automation.
All of that is bad enough, but the worst part is that it doesn’t capture all of the racers in the race, surely the MVP of a system to manages races - how many racers started, raced and finished it.
We were regularly getting 50+ in B and C, but the final results would hardly ever show more than 20.
It’s so tinpot.


nah…been using them regular lately as zwift wouldn’t even recognize my kickr since last update…apple tv is easiest…works pretty much just as well as zwift really…

mean mywhoosh btw there…

Offended so easily? Be better.

You are arguing semantics.

Is a car a thinking being? No, not even close. Would it fit for your example as a 'corporation? Yes. The person driving the car runs down a town of 30,000 people. Is the car evil? Well, no. Youa re correct a ‘thing’ can’t have an agenda, HOWEVER the person/people driving the car/corporation, CAN DO EVIL, therefor the car, in this example IS EVIL! It is a ‘tool of evil’ and if it didn’t exist, perhaps something else could be used, but it is a tool. Now consider that the purpose of a corporation has drastically shifted in our life times, the purpose of a corporation is to enhance investor income, and for many corporations, that is a rather elastic statement. Some will do anything to fulfill that purpose. For gosh sakes, look at Boeing! Boeing management, largely from McDonnell Douglas, and strict adherents to the Jack Welch program of showering millions on their investors turned Boeing into a mindless killing machine. Management will do literally ANYTHING to increase investor earnings. They starved engineering, they fired experienced engineers, they underfunded 737 development, they underfunded manufacturing (they sold the division that built their fuselages because they got a lot of cash to shower on investors and upper management all while whipsawing their employees claiming they were 'on the ropes.

Read the book ‘Flying Blind’.

So, a corporation CAN be evil. Management instills the consciousness into the monster, and enacts the evil, just like a person behind a steering wheel of a car.

Yeah, even Apple, the Crown Jewel of ‘responsible corporations’ is guilty of both green and white washing their products. The tobacco corporations KNEW their products killed people, they KNEW their products were addictinve, and they knew that once addicted, they had a customer for life (no matter how short that might be). Oil corporations KNEW about the effects of their products in the 1940’s and 1950’s, and yet white and green washed them furiously. Were they evil? Hell yes…

But anyway…

The corporation is the VEHICLE of the agenda of the board of directors and the warped view of the purpose of the corporation to exist.

It used to be for the betterment of society, for their workers, but the minute things changed, employees, and the areas they existed in became liabilities, they became drains on investor returns, and being accountable to the neighborhoods they exist in became too expensive, and they funded politicians that excused them from that accountability, and made it easier to shower money on investors who got insanely rich.

This has been off topic, but decimates your idea that corporations can’t be evil. And the minute a corporation pays off a politician to cover their actions that gave you cancer, I’d say you have a very personal relationship with that corporation.

I will continue to support Zwift, as long as I feel they offer a product different enough to me to be useful. Thanks…

And I’m out of this conversation.

Stay, or go people. shrug


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Not in the slightest.

Ok, but in the context of leaving Zwift because of the new incremental cost, then the upfront costs of a computing device, electricity (really?) don’t really factor, as they would apply to any platform. Outdoor riding, 1 set of tires by itself these days is about $80. You probably want mapping and GPS service on your bike computer or phone. Medical bills for a crash. Replacement cost of broken spokes, crash damages, train fare to get to/from destinations, sunscreen, various climate-appropriate clothing, Club membership fees?

I pay $85 for a family or 5 for a gym membership. But, it has a full gym, bikes, treadmills, stair steepers, 2 pools, basketball court, racket ball court, classes, sauna, showers, bathrooms with free WiFi and no maintenance fee to replace parts…

Me too.
I don’t feel like I am leaving Zwift. I feel like I am being forced out by a ridiculous increase.
Why didn’t they offer current Zwifters a week opportunity to buy annual for say $179 when they announced changes in price. Nope. Their business sense is virtual reality.


What was the last slap in the face?

Last night at Zwift Airport :crescent_moon:, I snapped some photos for people. Here they are:


Oh no I wasn’t offended at all, you just sound very simple minded. I’m sure you can understand how important bringing back the women’s TdF is for the sport, but you’re upset so you’re lashing out. I understand, and agree they keep shooting themselves in the foot, botching communications with users, focusing on the wrong features like the blurry shadow, etc… but to say no one cares about women’s racing just because you are upset is a stretch.

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I used to bicycle commute. I did that to work out to be stronger. I raced moto cross, on a motorcycle. I also did structural iron work. I love being outside. I like to ride even when I know I won’t do anything but fall down on the ice. Zero Fahrenheit,(as long as it’s not before work).
Today I live in the midst of arrogant selfish inconsiderate people. They have overwhelmed even the bike path since covid.
That’s why I’m inside. Riding on line is much healthier for me. I don’t get enraged.

Time to catch up on the Union dues


I have been a casual rouvy user for a couple years. I really like the actual video.
I can rubber band with my son on Zwift and just fly through the traffic, but that’s nothing special for me since I used to,(still shh), drive that way. I pass on blind corners too!

I just installed Indievelo.

If it does the job, I’ll be gone.

I’ve been frustrated at the glacial rate of updates for sometime. The fact that I’ll now have to pay significantly more for those slow updates is a step too far.

Is Zwift now the most expensive video game on Earth?

It seems crazy considering how basic it is.


Oh wait, was your other post serious?

Wait, you been paying a whole year without using it?

I think there are many riders that are auto paying without using the service. Zwift is just reminding all those forever paying customers to cancel their plan due to lack of us.

Same point I should cancel my Hulu since I haven’t used it for 3 months.


@Cory_Flex i just Cancel my Disney+, Thanks zwift.