Can’t access Academy rides

This is my first year taking part in the Academy and I’m struggling to access any workouts or events, added to that session 1 didn’t record. Other zwifters don’t seem to be having the same level of difficulty accessing the program and rides. I’ve tried accessing academy workouts through training, but academy isn’t listed as a training plan. I’ve also tried using the new drop-down in the companion app to select any of the 8 program sessions , but it says none are scheduled. It’s proving impossible to take part. Any ideas on how I can solve this, thanks

The academy workouts are listed under workouts, it looks like you searched under plans. (On the main Zwift interface)

In the companion app, make sure the ZA box is checked as well as group rides, workouts, and races. This will display all group rides, workouts, and races so you will need to scroll through them to find the ZA 2020 events.

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Thank you, both