Hello, I’m Paul. I own Bikely Youth Team, the biggest kids team on Zwift with over 80 members. I was hoping that it would be possible to revive the clubs function for my team since smaller clubs have been getting it. I know that we are U16, but all activities are being supervised by coaches and adults. Please let me know if it’ll be possible.
I got access and created a club, is it ready for prime time?
Just wanted to know before i start refactor how we do private events
I have weekly club rides I lead and would love to help test this out.
I also got nothing. I have a lot of testing experience from my real life work. Fortunate however since my time has been taken up by other things.
Our group could have made use of it very well.
HI @P_a_u_l We started a new club “Banditz” around a month ago with 130 members signed up in 3 weeks(some are in other clubs so i guess the 100 limit wont be a issue) , we have had our own event for about a year and looking to expand , So probably be ideal for your beta test, Please let me know if we can assist,
Kind Regards Dave T
Looks like the number of clubs you can join has been increased to 3.
“ Q: Is there a limit on the number of Clubs I can create or join?
A: In FutureWorks Clubs, you will be able to create or join three Clubs.”