Ban the burrito

Ya but 30+ burritos dropped at once was epic

It was great fun. We should do more stupid stuff like that.

There was a Volcano CCW TOW race with Aeros every lap and 700 people once.

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If everyone gets the same power up, then there is no reason to have them.
I know you have just had a negative experience but hopefully, not all of your experiences have been negative and you will appreciate the fun of the randomness.

Why? Riders still have to choose when to use them, and likely some will use them a lot more effectively than others.


could have done with one last night in the final 200m up the south side of the sgurr

but then it comes down to timing of use, if someone uses a powerup to keep up with the pack then they are struggling and if you can keep yours until its actually needed can be highly beneficial

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I am still waiting on a banana peel.

Both are quite different, are they not?

Draft is a mechanism that somehow ensures the playing field gets levelled a bit and it’s not always the strongest rider than wins the race (and lies at the very core of what makes cycling such an interest sport). Taking that away benefits only the strongest riders.

yes quite different but same effect the chasing rider needs to put out more power if they want to stay with the rider using the power up.

The burrito is so rarely used i don’t really see it as an issue. I’d be maybe more annoyed if was part of the default power up cycling but as it is it’s just a bit of fun

That’s why those that use it for advantage should get a greater chance of a “chain drop” or “puncture” power up for themselves as a way to slice things up.

If the burrito is fun, then the other two proposed ones would equally be fun, just not for the people getting the puncture or the chain drop.