Would be great if 1st person view included hands on handlebars as opposed to just an open view of the road
Good idea +1
Agreed, the current views are all a bit “gamey”. A 1st person real world view would look great and be perfect for when Oculus rift glasses are on the horizon.
You could de-clutter the screen and have an out in front computer with the information you want. Simulate rider movement in and out of the saddle. Panning view left and right.
Personally, I don’t mind the absence of handlebars because I’m not Chris Froome so most of the time I’m not looking at them.
Adding handlebars adds to complexity I expect, as you then also need to add hands/arms, particularly when on aero bars on a TT bike.
There is “combination” of 3+0… which shows riders back. It is intended to see how much “ride-ons” the rider has received? It would be nice to see handlebar/monitor here.