Today i changed from an Elite Qubo Digital Smart B+ (wheel roller) to a Wahoo Kickr Core
Going straigt into z5 intervalls, i noticed i had to bump up the watts from 100->110%
This leaves me wondering… is it really possible the old roller was that unprecise? Or could something be wrong on my Kickr Core.
It feels easier because the Kickr is measuring power at the rear “hub” instead of the rear tire. You don’t have the rolling resistance of the tire/wheel, you don’t have tire pressure that can vary, and you don’t have the tensioning system of the trainer’s roller wheel that can vary. There could easily be a difference in perceived resistance between all of these variables compared to the direct drive of the Kickr.
Yeah thats true. I am planning on getting watt measurement for when im out on the road as well, just haven’t gotten around to it yet. Getting into cycling is expensive…