Zwift not getting past loading screen [May 2021]

This is happening to me, too, for the last 2 weeks. Not every time, but enough that it’s REALLY annoying and has ruined a few workouts. Windows 10, Canada, Rogers. This needs to be fixed because we’re paying $20 a month.

Got a work around from Zwift…

Create a new admin account on your pc and try again, does not work.

This has been an issue for me since the latest update that hasn’t been remedied by the usual troubleshooting. I can get to where I need by Just Watch, but cmon Zwift- this is a known issue for months now….

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Really getting pissed now, night after night having problems.

Hi guys!

I think i found the soltuion for this error. If you see this in the log files:
[11:33:19] NETCLIENT:[WARN] Auxiliary Controller failed to shut down tcp socket: ‘No se permitió una solicitud para enviar o recibir datos ya que el socket no está conectado y no se ha proporcionado ninguna dirección, al realizar el envío en un socket de datagramas por medio de una llamada sendto.’ (10057)

[11:33:19] NETCLIENT:[INFO] Auxiliary Controller failed to connect to socket: ‘La operación de E/S se anuló por una salida de subproceso o por una solicitud de aplicación.’ (995)

[11:33:55] NETCLIENT:[WARN] UDP connection timeout (1 so far), reconnection attempt 1

[11:33:55] NETCLIENT:[INFO] Connecting to UDP server…

[11:34:01] NETCLIENT:[INFO] UDP metrics {StC Rx: 366, Rx error: 0, CtS Tx: 5, Tx error: 0}

You have to make new an exception for C:\Program Files (x86)\Zwift\ZwiftApp.exe in Windows Firewall.

Worked for me.

Reading through the entire 3 months od debate. Having the same problem with not passing the blue loading screen but hearing the usual noises in the background. Used PC windows 10, surface pro, uninstalled and re-installed countless times, cleaned out the hard disk of anything related to zwift, wasted many hours, git grief from my wife for not finding a solution. WHAT IS THE SOLUTION???
Anyone at zwift even caring beyond taking my money?

After changing rider, restated and ir worked.
Going back to first user, restarted and it worked . Hope that is it.

Happened to me the last few weeks. It was happening a few months ago, then resolved itself. Usual reinstalls etc had no effect. But then it worked again so I figured it was fixed. But the last week its started happening again. The Just Watch/End Ride/then select world and route does work (I got hung up once trying to get into Makuri Islands, but shut down Zwift and tried again and it worked the second time) but its cumbersome and clunky and it shouldn’t be needed!

Unfortunately restarting frequently doesn’t solve the issue. Worked for few days and now back to either gets hung up on the way to screen which says successful login or during loading the world. New and clean install does not improve things.
For the time being the only option is the android phone app, tiny screen and limited fun. Waiting for zwift to solve the issue. Everything worked fine for a long time until 4 or 6 weeks ago.

Just tried after the latest update (yesterday) and seems to work fine…. :crossed_fingers:

I’m using the latest update and it has started getting stuck on loading world again. Cleared cache, restarted pc, and the issue was still there. After a few attempts have up and used RGT which is free and always works. I had this problem in May/ June, but it got better, this latest version seemed to have brought it back. Very unhappy, I pay£12 a month, I’m not bothered about loads of new features, I would just like it to work when I turn it on.

I am also getting this problem now. Tried all the uninstall, zwift folder delete, IE cache clear, restart & reinstall and still can only ride Watopia using the just watch option

Yes, me too, started happening today. Very annoying problem, and there doesn’t seem to be much help from zwift on this either, other than to upload a log file. Does anyone know if there is an accepted/reliable fix for this? Like Mike I have reinstalled Zwift, cleared caches and restarted all equipment, to no avail.
Thanks for any responses.

First time logged in for a few weeks and also had the same problem. Poor from Zwift.

Same for me. Been a few weeks since login and I am having the same problem again. I can only click “Just Watch” before pairing, then within Watopia I can pair with my external sensors and start riding. If I “end ride” and try to load a different world, it continues to fail. Luckily the first ZRL TTT is in Watopia so I should be fine for today.

Tried again this morning - now I can ride Watopia and France normally, but if I try Paris, the world loading page hangs. Tried three times - same result.

Sounds like I’ve been experiencing the exact same problems as many others here for the past 6+ months. It’s one of the main reasons I so seldom use zwift.

I’m meant to be riding with friends in 6 hours, I’ve just spent the last 2hrs uninstalling, reinstalling, clearing the cache, rebooting numerous times in the vague hope something might kick into life… I don’t hold out much hope,it loaded once in 10 tries.

In the vain attempt I’ve logged it with support and sent them the log files. Somehow I doubt I’ll be hearing from them anytime soon.

So I guess I’ll be cancelling my account rather soon. Pity really, I used to like this.

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I did manage to do the Alp de Ziwft ride by going into watch only, then ending the ride, then selecting the Road to the sky route. It worked, but a bit of a pain in the A workaround. Try, might work for you.

Same issue here, read through this thread, tried the same things as previous posters. No luck.

Yep, same issue just started out of no where here. After an hour of faffing around, the “watching” then going into workouts, but that only leaves me with Watopia. Surely there is a better longer term fix?