What is going on with the ZRacing schedule? It was pouring down rain yesterday so I looked for a race last night – I always do Zwift races at either 20:10 EST or 21:10 EST depending on which day (since it shifts from day to day), but I can depend on a race at one of those times. Last night there was no ZRacing for either of these times, which I just confirmed by checking Zwiftpower.
Are there fewer ZRacing events now than every other hour? This was the dependable it’s-raining-cats-and-dogs-today-and-I know-I-can-at-least-get-a-zwift-race race. Also, this week’s event is 8 miles, which is too short. It takes 18 minutes for the B’s to race this course. The original idea of the ZRaces was to have a 10 minute warm-up, close to 40 minutes of racing, and a 10 minute cool down–workout done in an hour. You really need two laps of Rolling Highlands to make this work.
Hopefully this was a mistake/oversight/fluke. Or are there now even fewer ZRacing events?
I’ve had a quick look at the schedule to see if there was anything missing and there doesn’t appear to be - the same times for the events that there has been each month, with a few recent additions for the Southern Hemisphere.
We generally aim for approx 35 minutes for C/D riders, but it isn’t always possible depending on the theme.
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This is the schedule as it used to be: https://zwiftinsider.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/ZRACING-PR-CALENDAR-scaled.jpg and was in the spring when I was using Zwift regularly.
I raced regularly on Tuesdays and Thursdays and occasionally on other weeknights and there was always a ZRacing event at either 8:10pm or 9:10pm EST. I’m looking for a race tonight and there’s not one again. Why has the schedule been changed to have such a massive hole in it? Canceling the KISS race at 8 seems like a better option than not giving us any ZRacing since the KISS races are just one offs, plus the 10 minute warmup of the ZRacing is better (start time at 10 past). I’m very frustrated at the moment, because it seems almost impossible for me to be able to race even though I’ve got 2 hours available and I’m unable tonn bc participate in the race the worlds event either. 3 hours is too big a gap, I can restructure my entire schedule for it (kid bedtime is 7-8, 10:10 is getting quite late).
To the best of my knowledge I haven’t removed any time slots in other 6 months.
I certainly don’t race in the middle of the night BST so have no issue. But in order to try and help John might it be useful if either Zwift could publish, somewhere, the expected ZRace weekly schedule (as ZwiftInsider used to do each month up until Crit series in May) or alternatively, but probably generally less useful, you post here which races you are setting up each week. Apologies if this is displayed within Zwift information/FAQ but I am struggling to find it, if so please post link to it, thanks.
When ZwiftInsider last published this
for the May Crit Zraces there was always either a UTC 00.10 race or 01.05 race (now always .10 race) which I think converts over to either a 01.10 or 02.10 race BST. I believe these two times convert back to 20.10 and 21.10 on EST which John can race.
I notice that now four times a week, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday mornings BST, there are no 01.10 or 02.10 races when I think there used to be.
[As an aside I also notice there is a four hour gap every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday early morning, BST, so this definitely is not what was last advertised on ZwiftInsider. ]
We removed some events (probably around a very similar time) at 4am UK time because the attendances were really poor, which is why eveery other day you see a 3 hour gap.
There should still be races at 1900/2000 (Sun/Tues/Thur/Sat) and 2100 Mon/Wed/Fri but I’ll see if we can look at the gap at 19/20 (EST) every other day in future series.
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I don’t get this. No races today between 5:10 (too early) and 7:10 (too late). Pretty sure before the schedule was culled of low attendance events we were assured there’d be at least one race per hour left. It’s the only reason I’d try another platform as it stands. Surely it’s like 24 hours garages. There’s times when nobody goes but they stay open on the basis that everyone knows they’re always open…please fill the gaps!
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Agreed, Rob. Several times in the past few weeks I’ve checked for races in the hour or two I’m available and there were none. Didn’t end up even logging on. Zwift needs to fix this. My participation in Zwift is lower because of this problem and I don’t think there’s anything special about me—I’m sure other people do the same. I don’t want too many races in a particular hour, but there should always be at least one race every hour to join. The complaints we had before was about there being so many races at the same time that attendance was low at all of them when it could have been reasonable if there was only one. But not having any race at all is too far.
What the rules of thumb should be:
Always have at least one race per hour and let me decide if attendance is too low for me to want to participate. Don’t make the choice for me by giving me no race options. If nobody wants to race at that hour then fine, nobody wants to race, but still make it available.
In any given time slot only have more than one race that hour if participation numbers are high enough to warrant it. This way we don’t have a lot of racers online but with all races having low attendance.
Both of these together should be implemented in the race calendar so that the principle is at any given hour you can race, and that race will as full as participation at that hour block allows.