zRacing 2025 Category and Schedule Updates

If there is any real interest@ZHQ regarding GC (ZRacing), why the hell, still after 48h, stage#5 results are not in, even they provide an update 40min ago, still with 4 results?? and hundreds of riders unscored, which destroyes the overall position. Shame quality for racers going for a monthly GC and look for seconds to match next opponents…

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were is James B we need to ask him to look into it.

He’s on FB Zwift riders.

this is zwift Forums. FB is not zwift.

As a 650-720 rider I find I’m now no longer racing much at all with these changes. I don’t plan my day around ZHQ races. The great thing about them is that they’re hourly so previously I could pretty much always find one. Now? There’s a slim chance I happen to have riding time when one is occurring. Non-Zwift events? Hah. If not part of a big multi-stage event nobody rides them.

Of course, with more races available we’ll have smaller fields, which is what you’re trying to fix. The only solution I can think of is widening groups. I feel there are a lot of “B+” riders being affected by this, but you also don’t want to affect the B experience.

I don’t know. It all sucks. Just get more riders on the platform?

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I know but that’s where he is.

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On a more cynical day, I wonder if Racing Score and limited events is a plan to slowly kill racing in Zwift, especially for the elite group.


Ok, 1st month of zracing is over. With a last update of the gc overall list, i found my 2nd result of stage5 now counted as best of week5 (listed in the green exclamation mark), BUT the summary time is not corrected (the % value) and so my placing. @ZHQ Have we now even check easy mathematics, when updates are presented, but not correct??? CHECK 400-500 (P4/P5 had to be swapped by new time)

I had a chance to ask Eric Min about the ultimate challenge reward. We should get a bike.

He said,”That’s what I said too.”

Zwift: There’s still time to up the ante. Step in and give us something worthwhile, please.

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I would not love it if they added something decent at this half way stage, as it doesn’t leave me enough time to do all the make up events. (first world problems I know).

Are you aware that the ultimate challenge doesn’t require doing any events? Some of the routes are shorter when done as free rides as well, when there is a big lead-in from starting pens.

After a month with the new cats and ranges I have to compliment Zwift here.

I just got a new score of 462 and that puts me over the 330 – 450 I was racing but instead of being stuck in the bottom in 450 – 570 I can also pick the 380 – 510 range which puts me in the middle of the group.

You really nailed it with this change, and I really hope it is here to stay so we have an option what range we join.
Makes it also a lot easier to try a cat upwards if the terrain suits you.


Yes am aware, thank you :+1:

Only Zwift use the double range system. If the WHOLE community did a dynamic range system that always change this wouldn’t even be a thing.

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More than enough for me. I hardly do any races outside of the ones Zwift organizes.
And I rather have two options I can choose myself than that organizers force me into theirs.


Wow, as it stands, the upcoming week of TTs and no draft races is depressing!

Can someone please organise some sub 20min events (perhaps some small back to back series, similar to Tiny Races), mix of gradient profiles, all on same equipment?