zPower races

You will be able to race on Zwift but your results may not stand on Zwift Power.
Some race organizers will also disqualify you from the results or some of the results if you use ZP.

I think most race organizers require a power source for all A and B riders and the Podium finishers for C.
You can still race and have fun.
The results wont stand and people will complain if you win.

I once also though ZP was a workable solution but it is really fraught with error and inconsistency.
Fine for free rides, work outs and group rides but when you start trying to prove that your faster than the other guy, it just is not accurate enough.

Try to do a meet up with a real life friend on Zwift.
If the friend has a power source you can have a mini race.
I thought my ZP set up was good but when I met up in Zwift with my real life friends, I was embarrassed at my newly acquired super powers.

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It is quite simple for zwift to solve it. I have an idea : use the algorithm of the rider who is using a very expensive smart trainer or power meter and transform the reading of anyone using a simple ergometer trainer. Hence you will no more fantasise of people trying to cheat you. You will soon discover that many of those lesser riders with zpower trainers are indeed good and powerful. I hope zwift programmers will listen and give it a try. And remember: no logical human being wants to cheat himself first and then others

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hi @Thomas_Alsop , also feel the same. I really want to quit Zwift because I’ve been bullied twice in two races because I’m ZPower. they intimidate me on the chat box, it is obvious because im the one who doesnt have lighting bolt on the back and ride near them.
THere is one time I capture their conversation. This is painful, people say take care of other people’s feelings because it can lead to mental health problems but they didnt anyway. but I’m trying to be patient, I don’t see the chat box and keep pedalling.
I’m always turn my knob to the right (so heavy ) , so my “w” doesn’t go over 5w/kg, and it’s really heavy. I joined that races because there was no zpower ban. is this all my fault? if they don’t like zpower to join allowed races, why are they rude and mocking me because of zpower issue.

can i report those who mocking me in the chatbox because I have the screen capture. this hurts, not everyone can buy expensive smart trainers, but i did buy my cadence and speed sensor and we have already paid zwift members and joined the race and we were allowed to join. I pray that those who mock me get what they deserve.

Hi @BiasaAjaKali, you can flag them using the companion app, I think that would be the best way to report them for harassment. I see your point, if they don’t want to run the risk of racing against a zpower user then they should join races that ban them completely from the ZwiftPower results.

From the other side of the argument, you can see why some people want to ban zpower completely and resort to bully like behavior. A zpower user that has wildly inaccurate and over powered results (not saying you do, but it is possible) can negatively affect the outcome of a race even if they are banned from the results on ZwiftPower. However, bullying others and harassing them in the chat should not be tolerated.

The problem and responsibility for this issue lies entirely with Zwfit who support and facilitate the harrasment you are receiving .

Races can be marked as no zpower riders (and a few other critieria) but then Zwift product fails to enforce or faciliate that , therefore leaves you (as a non compliant rider) in an event and the resulting friction and conversations you are party to is inevitable result . No one here is tryng to attack or confront you personally when they take this up in chat , this is just a result of zwift failing to properly deliver there product. If any zpower riders have an issue they should address it 100% with zwift support on the basis they have failed to properly take your mental health , if you feel it is an issue of that . seiously and operate the restrictions in place .


You are correct, Zwift should enforce this better if the race organizer chooses no zpower winners, must have HRM, or cough w/kg cat enforcement. However, in this case the zpower user specifically entered a race that allowed them as winners, at least that is my understanding. In this case, the other racers need to accept that zpower users are present and deal with it like an adult.

hi @BiasaAjaKali

Welcome to the forum, and sorry that you had to come to the forum because of this issue.

People should not be harassing others no matter what the issue. You can report these users, all the Chat is stored in your ride log file. Report them using this Link

I had a quick look at your Zwift power profile and you are listed as a A rider.

I don’t know your background but what I can tell you that to get to A level take years of training.

To put this in perspective I highlighted on the table where you fall in to the rankings.

Zwift does not enforce age restriction access to the platform , as far as I am aware so there is no reason those people should be adults.

that doesn’t justify their behavior, minors aren’t allowed to use the chat function to my knowledge, so we can assume they are at least old enough to know better.


I am not condoning it by any means but in terms of why this happens it is firstly facilitated by the forum provider , who despite many many people asking for better control of event access are not prepared to take any responsibility for it . In this case that is Zwift .

On top of preventing access It may be they should also make sure participants are fully aware of what is allowed at point of entry. Telling everyone that Zpower is supported explicitly . That might help and ensure there is no doubt here .


Thank you @Gerrie_Delport_ODZ @Graham_Irvine_London @Mike_Rowe1 for the explanation :slightly_smiling_face:

It means a lot to me :grinning:



I understand some people don’t see that people can see what correct power numbers look like…
But I use a 4iii power meter and a janky decathlon trainer …I should be able to get in the races…especially in the D class…