Welcome Club Jarvis Members!

Excited to be a part of this group. How do we provide feedback? One defect that seems to have been introduced in the last couple of days is that club activities do not seem to be capturing all of the club members. In my case, my numbers show zero even though I ride just about everyday and on multiple club rides.

Hi @Jeff_Cunningham_BMTR

Did you select Club Jarvis in the start screen?



Maybe your club members put another associated group as their primary club?

Thank you! That worked.

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Hello. Iā€™m currently administrating my local club on Zwift/Zwiftpower (Harstad CK) from far up north of Norway. Iā€™m not an early member of Zwift so I will not receive av invitation to this Futureworks club-feature. Is there a chance that I can have an invite, despite Iā€™m not an early beta member of Zwift? I would love it :heart: My name is Inge Balswick, Zwift-ID: 2045334

Is Club Jarvis doing any Club activities? How long has it been since it has been active?

When is the club feature likely to be deployed to the masses?

And will there be a way to have wear your club kit?


HI @Wes,
I am Team Manager of Kirchmair e-Cycling Team and we have no access to the club-group.
I sent you a message 3 weeks ago without response, so i try again here.
hope for your replie, thanks Stefan

@Wes I am Manager WEz (World Elite Zwifters) please give me acess club Group.

Any update on clubs roll out? How do I get our club on the list? More specifically, I want to schedule private team races. Is there currently a way to do this other than meet ups? Will this functionality exist when clubs is rolled out?

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My ID is pretty low (162) and I think I missed my Club Jarvis invite - would it be possible to get one?

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Same question


Possible create Club for my Team? (WEz)

Is clubs launching soon? Would love to get mine registered.