We all know how difficult it can be to peruse upcoming events, so any additional ways to filter them easily can greatly improve the usability of the event listing in the mobile companion app.
My idea is to provide a way to just see upcoming events that members of your club have signed up for. This helps you quickly answer the proverbial “what are folks in my club doing?” question.
Since people can be in several clubs, you’d need a way to select which club exactly you want to filter on. However, because people only choose which club they are riding for when they login, you wouldn’t necessarily be guaranteeing that these people are riding those particular events for the selected club (since they haven’t indicated that piece of info yet), but you’d be saying, hey these people are in this club, and they have signed up for these events, even though they might actually ride that event for a different club.
It also seems like this would be easy to extend to only see upcoming events that your friends have signed up for.