Suggetion: yellow-blue ukranian jerseys for all zwift riders

Are Zwift banning Russian memberships on The Zwift platform making a statement against the war, like all other sports


There is a thread on this, but it’s been locked (I don’t know if that’s a temporary or permanent lock, but you’ll find an official response from Zwift in there) - Banning Russia and Belarus riders on Zwift?

Politics is everywhere, whether you like it or not. So show your colours when you Zwift.


Hate is a powerful emotion. It can creep into our hearts with such stealth that we don’t even notice it until it is too late. We see an incredible evil being committed and we want to do something to stop it. It is natural to want to hold someone accountable, and not at some future date but right now! Sadly, this is the mentality behind lynch mobs. They desperately seek justice, but in the end they only create further injustice. Before banning riders simply based on where they come from, I pray we all reflect on this very carefully. Cheers!


I do, the Scottish Flag.

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That was sort of my point in my previous post, a few above this.
I completely understand the desire to show support for Ukraine.
I also feel pride in my nations colors, warts and all. I proudly served in defense of my nation for over 20 years.
I encounter many people that are quite passionate about a cause they believe in, and if I don’t feel the same passion they do, they accuse me of supporting the other side. “If you don’t believe what I believe, then you are against {insert cause/belief}.”
That is the truest form of a false equivalent.
If someone were to try to bully me into changing my nations flag in a game, to a nation I don’t have any ties to, it’s they that have the problem. They don’t know me. They don’t know what I may or may not have done to support that nation. For all they know, I may have chartered a planeload of baby formula to that nation.
But, oh, my gosh, I didn’t change my nation flag, so I’m the bad guy.
Give it a rest.


It is not a neutral jersey but the Peaks Jersey is yellow-blue.

You can easily get it by pressing P during a ride and entering the webcode PCGKIT32516.

That’s my way of showing the Ukraine colours as long as Zwift does not offer a neutral solution. Peace for everyone! :ukraine:

THX for the hint. I will try.

Well-presented. For all good intentions in mind, the buck has to stop somewhere between genuine and being overboard.

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Considering the letter “Z” is being used for the symbol of war right now could you make a shirt with the Z with Peace signs in it? and make it available at all levels? I love the letter “Z” and there is no reason it should be a sign of hate. I mean Z is for Zoro right! Z is for Zero who does not love to add a Zero to their bank balance? Z is for Zoom to go fast! Of coarse Z is for Zwift and that is a great positive international experience. Lets not cancel “Z” lets embrace the letter with Ride On’s!

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Rouvy sponsored an event to raise money for the Ukrainian refugees streaming into western Europe. If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.


I havent seen that at all.

People bullying others to change their flag on Zwift… filed under “Things that never happened”

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I give you - this -

1st one is not evidence
2nd one is not “bullying”
3rd one is not “bullying”
4th one is not “bullying”

If you are going to pretend to be victimised, at least come up with something credible.

You’re basically saying, “they’re promoting an opinion that i disagree with so theyre bullying me.” Your response is rather silly.

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One tweet from a now suspended account =

You really should try a bit harder mate, this is pathetic.


Maybe bullying is not the right word.
My main point is pretty much what you said - they have an opinion that I don’t share. Yet, they are making the false equivalent that if I do not share their opinion, or do what they do, I’m “supporting” the other side, and am therefore the bad guy.

Just in case it wasn’t utterly, BLATANTLY obvious, that tweet was an obvious wind-up posted by a brand new account with no followers, and the total arsehole on that YouTube video is an obvious windup merchant, stoking hatred by pretending it’s the actual viewpoint of an entire movement. Obvious to all except the laughable mugs raging in the comments. It’s actually pitiful. One might even describe them as ‘snowflakes’, since they seem very easily offended about something so clearly false. Only about three people appear to have put in the ~0.3 seconds of brain power required to see it for what it is, the rest are presumably off parroting it around the internet… just like you have here.

The best part is people watch and share this crap and genuinely seem to believe they’re the enlightened ones. :rofl:


Bet it is a Russian bot account spreading poor info to turn the US against Ukraine.

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How gullible are you? Or did you want to believe that?

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