Huge thanks to everyone who participated in the Racing Score test events and shared their feedback! After a great week of racing and diving into the data, we’re excited to bring you an update on how things are shaping up. Your feedback has been incredibly helpful and positive, and we’re super excited to keep improving the experience!
Here are the main points of feedback we’ve received and our plans to address them:
Issues with Seed Score. Particularly when we don’t have recent data or outlier data in our modified compound score calculation.
In the short term, we plan to make some minor adjustments to our prediction formula to better accommodate outliers and Zwifters with limited recent data.
Score decay seems too aggressive.
Today, we slowed down the rate at which scores decay and are considering implementing a grace period of 15 days without racing before the decay kicks in. We may tweak this value as we gather additional data.
Scores don’t move enough after a race.
We’re continuing to review the data, and as we analyze more race results, we’re ready to tweak configurations to stabilize score volatility if it turns out to be a recurring issue.
Improvements to how we handle DNFs.
As we collect more race results, we’ll keep a close eye on trends and consider potential changes, such as implementing penalties for DNFs after a certain percentage of the event is completed.
Provide a better view of score history and how it changes over time.
We are planning to introduce a view for viewing your score history. We’re already tracking full history in our backend, it’s just a matter of implementing a view of this.
Visibility of score distributions for community race organizers.
We will make this available via existing community support channels so that organizers have the data they need to set up their events.
In addition to these major points we have made some minor bug fixes:
- Fix to race result score delta arrows
- Update to infotip on ZwiftPower
- Improvements to score decay
Thank you again for all the incredible feedback! Keep the racing and feedback going! We’re loving all of the enthusiastic participation and discussion. We’re going to auto-close this discussion in 14 days to keep your feedback relevant to this next phase of work.