Seems since PD 4.0 there has been an influx of Cat A riders who seem to have dropped back to Cat B but then at the same time PD4.0 seems to have lowered the overall wkg avg so these riders are just not hitting the mark to go back up.
At the moment there is a massive lack in riders in Cat A and so many races you see less than 5 in A sometimes 0.
Cat B races are getting smashed by these guys going 20mins at 4.3wkg
Perhaps it is time to move the posts a little and maybe make Cat A start at 4wkg instead of the current. This would boost the numbers in Cat A which desperately needs riders in their races. It will also narrow up Cat B a bit to bridge the gap so newer Cat B riders are not getting smashed by those pushing well over 4wkg avgs
This could really be just a Northern Spring/Summer requirement when numbers are down and then adjusted back for the colder period when more riders come back but at the moment I feel sorry for Cat A riders who are struggling to find a race with people in it.
Alot of Cat A races at the moment are slower than Cat B
Also this whole entire thing could be resolves if Zwift rolled out this new Zwift Racing Score as races I assume would then be setup better based on this score and would require no further adjustments. Can see a normal 4 cat system running at 250 ranking points per cat or a 5cat system running on 200 points. They should have already have this in place as a proper trial with the Zwift Racing League races as its been running a few months now so there is plenty of data and plenty of race points allocated to get people points wise where they belong.
Let’s go Zwift lets roll this out