Newbie equipment recc

2024 question: What trainer should I get to use with Zwift? I’m a long time cyclist, long-time trainer-hater here. A year ago I purchased a Kurt Kinetic smart trainer used with the idea of using it with Zwift. It was used and the guy didn’t know what model it was, and now neither do I. The sticker slays Part #501 Rev A, and it has bluetooth so I thought it was some flavor of the Smart Road.

I finally got my computer setup ready for Zwift and went for a ride. I’m impressed! I might be able to keep at this. However, I can’t calibrate my Kinetic trainer. In fact, it is recognized but won’t calibrate in the Kinetic app or in Zwift. Sometimes it will be recognized as a speed source, but never identified. I can’t get any help from Kinetic tech support and I understand the company has been sold. In contrast, my Assioma duo pedals are instantly recognized, and give noticeably different watt output when compared to when I run with the Kinetic trainer as the source.

After fighting the Kinetic all afternoon I’m resigned to getting a new trainer. As someone who now has no invested equipment, is the Zwift Ride a good option, as compared to using my road bike and the Kickr Core? I hadn’t planned on spending that much $$, but a dedicated frame might lead me to ride more often if I didn’t have to drag my road bike down into the basement.

Thanks for any suggestions!

Do you intend to daily/weekly go from indoor to outdoor riding? I’d suggest to start with the Kickr Core, put your real bike on it and see how you like it. You can always get the Ride frameset later, and by avoiding the bundle you’d get a better Cog (v2) anyway. Otherwise, a newer model alternative out there worth taking a look at in the same price ballpark, would be the Elite Avanti, but not widely available yet.

I do need to ride more indoors than previously, so am interested in getting a realistic feel. I love the idea of the Elite Square trainer, but it doesn’t seem to be available yet. I guess one strategy would be to try and find an Elite Avanti trainer, and then add the square frame later.

I think the frustration of not being able to get the kinetic trainer to play nice with zwift, or to calibrate at all even with its own app, led me to start looking for options now rather than in a few months when the Elite options might be available.

Any experience with the JetBlack Victory compared to the Kickr Core? I know the Victory is in pre-order but it does look like a surpisingly good value.

People are already posting issues with the Victory. The Kickr Core is a better bet IMO. If you are very strong you might need to look at the Kickr.

Alright, I may be focusing on the Kickr Core then. Any feelings between the version with the cassette vs the Zwift cog? My bike is currently setup with Campy 12-speed.

You will need a Campy freehub body for a cassette. I do not think 12-speed spacing is compatible between Brands… Someone else may chime in…I am still 11-speed.

Otherwise a cog and the Zwift shifters.