Issues with Haute Route 2021?

yep you will get DQ’d if you enter cat C so kinda screwed. if i were you i would just enter C anyway and have fun, pick up ur jersey at the end, and call it a day :3

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Thing is, this is listed as a group ride, not a race. Normally any event listed as a group ride means you can ride in whatever category you choose and what suits the training you want to do that day. There’s clearly a lot of others that made the same mistake as me here because there are loads of UPGs on ZP. There is absolutely nothing on the event entry pages that say you have to enter the category as assigned to you by ZP. Every other group ride event I’ve ever done on Zwift lets you pick the wkg range that suits you on that day. If I want an ‘easier’ day I purposely pick an event listed as a group ride rather than a race for precisely this reason as it’s more interesting than riding alone but I don’t want to have to ride hard all the time.

Also, is the new drafting on? I was having a really hard time trying to stay in with a group of (heavier) men downhill and every time I supertucked I lost the draft and flew off the back. This difficulty to stay in my group descending made it a much harder ride than I’d intended as I couldn’t use the downhills for recovery like I normally can in events on this course.


Yeah it’s basically ride b and don’t get GC or ride c and get dq’d. I should have ridden b from the start I guess, thought it might be a slower start with it being a longer race :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

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this should have been setup as races. I agree. But group rides usually only have one pen to enter, this had 4 with different pens with w/kg requirements listed, that should have indicated that you should ride in your category.

No it used the original drafting as per Events no “new AI” tag there.

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Every other event listed as as a group ride I’ve ever done on Zwift has had more than one pen and I’ve entered B, C and even D before and never had a problem. I absolutely would have entered A had I known it would result in a DQ mark on my profile. I’ve read the event description again, and it doesn’t say anywhere that you will be DQ for not riding in your ZP category. Would be good for this to be on the event entry page for anything where this will apply in the future. It’s no big deal, but as a rider who always wants to follow instructions / rules correctly I don’t like having a UPG on my profile!


Hi @Alice_KWCC

This should have been addressed when the question came up 3 days ago.

In the top of this thread is a hint that you should use the correct cat, but it should be in the event description or the event should just be classed as a race (If it look like a race and feel like a race then it is a race…:slight_smile: )

I understand you want to keep your ZP profile clean. That is a good thing.


Thank you. I didn’t think to check on here before hand and a bit odd that Zwift post different rules on a rarely frequented forum to on the ZP event description and the event entry page. Just know I won’t be the only one a bit put out that they thought it was a normal group ride where you could pick any category. Have found myself some different group rides for the rest of the weekend where I won’t suffer the same fate :slightly_smiling_face:


You shouldn’t have to do that all info should be in the event description. :crazy_face:

I usually go to Zwift power to check how they set it up.


No come ride the Haute and kick some butt, you know you want to. :slight_smile:

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Finished the first stage tonight. But companion (which would not close and save, had to use the app on laptop) showing it is as short and not registered as haute route. Result is in zwift power though. App was up to date on laptop and seemed all good there. Will this update ok in a bit?

Seems the whole of the A Pen in the ride I was in (It was at 8pm Aust Eastern Daylight savings time) is in the unfiltered results in the GC.

Is this just waiting for ZP to process correctly?

The unfiltered list is just that, for unfiltered view of all riders. Those with any form of DQ are also included in that list. In that event, only 3 out of the 52 Cat A’s had any form of ZP performance tag. The naughty boy list is the filtered view.

Great to see the majority of processing already completed for these events per your post @xflintx

We have been investigating reports from those not seeing credit for Haute Route stage 1 on your Companion app’s Activity feed (or website).

  1. Did you preregister for Haute Route before you showed up at the start line? If you did not, please go back and do that now on the game app’s world selection page.
  2. After youv’e done that - use the Contact Us link at and ask for manual credit for Stage 1.

Stage 1 this morning was the first time I’ve entered a group ride event so. My FTP going in was 2.56 WPG (I figured cat D would be where I belong).

I cranked out 2.89 WPG on the stage today and my ZP is saying I should be in cat C. Do I change to C for tomorrow morning’s stage 2 or should I stay in cat D so I get the jersey at the end? I had a strong day and am not sure I’ll be able to replicate it consecutively tomorrow anyway but yea.

I want to have a good ride, I was 37th in cat D this morning so by no means running away with the lead. I also want a clean ZP page and no rep as a sandbagger.


Hi Mario - welcome to the forums and hope you enjoyed your first ride/event. Tough event for a first group ride/race!

Yes, if you avg’ed 2.89w/kg then you re a Cat C. I see Zwiftpower now has you defined as Cat C - always enter what Zwiftpower says is your Cat (unless of course the event is using Cat’s for different purposes like different courses).

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I checked what data reached our server, and 1) see that you definitely completed the distance and 2) you should be seeing a 33% complete on your Haute Route progress bar (in the game app). Do you?

As far as the ZwiftPower results page - it can take a few hours for ZP to catch up as noted in my first post above. I checked ZP, and your results now show up for the Stage 1 results here, as well the Haute Route GC page here. I used the Women > All categories filter to find you here
Image 003

It may help to refresh your browser (or even purge your browser cache) so you see the latest results.

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I had a similar problem this evening Emma. I completed Stage 1 and uploaded it as I would usually do, but the file upload failed and when i try to view the activity in Zwift I also get ‘Activity details could not be uploaded’

Hi @Emma_McCreesh and @Julian_Duquemin_KWCC and anyone who experienced a game crash:

If you’re Zwifting on a Mac or PC - please send us your crash logs since this occurred in the past 24 hours. Here are instructions on how to do that. The crash logs will give us insights on why it happened.

If you’re on Android / iOS / AppleTV, it’s a slightly different how-to covered here. This method also allows you to send logs older than 24 hours.

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@shooj: where in the Companion app would we see this progress bar? I am on version 3.22.0 (1088), which was just updated today, and I see no progress bar for the Haute Route event, though I do see a progress bar in the actual Zwift app.

Thanks so much! I see it now!

Boo- I was lined up 10 minutes ahead - all signals reading - and when it started , myself and one other were stuck on the start line - trainer didn’t seem to be reading :sob: