How to unlock ride California?

I’m at level 50 and unable to unlock ride California, please help?

That looks like you’ve already completed it.

Do you have the Specialized S-Works Tarmac in your garage?

Hi Colin, the other workouts indicate ‘ridden or climbed’ but ride California has a lock on it…
No, I don’t have the Specialized S-Works Tarmac in my garage…:man_shrugging:t3:


If you scroll up, does it not say 100% Complete?

Oh okay, I see what you say…what is the locked item for then…?

Just to add to Colin’s comments… there are no locked challenges that can be unlocked. From your screenshot it looks like you are done with all challenges so you’ll have to make up your own from now on.

If you want the S-Works Tarmac and it’s not in your garage, contact support and they should give it to you. Since you are level 50 you have better performing alternatives in the drop shop, so the only reason to use the S-Works Tarmac is if you like how it looks.

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I think the Venge might be the reward now, so check for that too.


Yes! I never noticed this change a few months ago…

Yep. And if you already got the Tarmac and want the Venge, you just need to select the Ride California challenge to have it added to your garage. No need to actually ride anything.